Systime Autoline EWOF Solution

Setting up a technician to have access

WL / Resources / Other Details

Enter their WOF Inspector ID
Enter a pin number (currently optional)
Only those Technicians with a WOF ID will be displayed to select

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Description automatically generatedE-WOF Menu

CS / NZ / Point-of-sale / E-WOF
A screenshot of a computer program

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E-WOF Parameters

CS / NZ / Point-of-sale / E-WOF / E-WOF parameters
Enabled - When this is ticked then the required tables are created for that POS company.  This includes the default reasons tables.

Min Tyre tread (mm) The current requirement is 1.5mm for Summer tyres (However Winter tyres have a high requirement 4mm)  This parameter should be set to 0 – so then you can choose pass or fail – otherwise it will default based on the measurement to pass or fail, and is not able to be amended

Service Break Measure – This can be set to record an individual Measure or Overall Measure

Park Break Measure – This can be set to record an individual Measure or Overall Measure

Force last 6 of VIN – This should be ticked for a live site – to force them to enter in the last 6 characters of the VIN to proceed and ensure the vehicle is correct.

WOF labour rate type – This is the WOF Labour rate code (Used to filter WIPs so only those with a WOF line will be displayed

AVIC No – The dealerships AVIC no.

Summary FS – The format stationary to be used for the summary printout


Detailed FS – The format stationary to be used for the detailed printout


Summary format printer – The spooler for printing the Summary Report

Detailed format printer – The spooler for printing the Detailed Report


Generally it is expected that the Summary Document will be the one that a dealership actually wants to print out each time.   By setting the Detail format to a non-printing spooler then the detailed report can be reprinted if needed.

Format Stationaries in the list are all those with WOF as the Format Descriptor

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WOF Register (From Point-of-Sale)
Tools / WOF register

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated From this screen you may print any of the previous checks / rechecks, Summary or Detailed Report

Accessing E-WOF

 Option 1 – Website for tablet etc

Replace the POS company number
after SO%20 

Internal Testing IP

Ingham Live Pack 10 WOF 10 WOF

Ingham Test Pack 10 WOF

 Farmers Live Pack 10 WOF

Farmers Test Pack 10 WOF

Blackwells Live 30 WOF

Blackwells Test 30 WOF

Option 2

Point-of-sale menu

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Select Inspector and Enter Pin Number

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Description automatically generatedSelect New Check / Recheck


A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedOn the Recheck those that are more than 28 days old will be un-selectable
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Description automatically generatedSelect the Job for the vehicle you are conducting the WOF on

Check the VIN
Enter the last 6 digits of the Vehicle VIN (For testing we have the last 6 characters parameter set to have them automatically filled in.
Live will require entering them.
A screenshot of a computer screen

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If the vehicle has already had a check and failed you will be prompted with
A screenshot of a computer error

Description automatically generatedEach Section of the Check is Expandable or Collapsible using the -/+ in the left column

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Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedTo mark the individual items as either Fail - Pass – N/AClick in the right hand side columnEach click will cycle through Fail - Pass – N/A

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated  You may also pass an entire section (Or the remainder of the section) by clicking on the Right-Hand column of the title row for that section.

For instance you may mark all the items that have failed by clicking on them, then pass the remainder of the items by clicking on the Blue title row Right-Hand column

Reasons for Failure of an item can be entered at any time at the bottom of the screen
The check can’t be completed until they are entered
A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedA predefined list of common failure reasons for each item can be recorded to select, and/or free type in the lower box

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedItems that require a measurement to be recorded.
Click Right Hand column
You will be presented with the Screen to enter the individual Measurements

 Service Brake (Depending on parameters – Overall or individual values entered)

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Parking Brake (Depending on parameters – Overall or individual values entered)


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Tyre Measurements
A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated Completing the check

Warning Messages
Failed to enter the odometer at the top of the screen
A white background with black text

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Failed Item with no reason entered

A white background with black text

Description automatically generated Item not marked as Fail – Pass – N/A

A white background with black text

Description automatically generated Passed WOF

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedFailureA screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedRecheck selected at the top of screenA screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedSelect the recheckRe-inspect the previously failed items

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Failed / Passed
When completing the check – you can pass the item that has been rectified – to save time entering and doing the recheck
A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedFailed WOF Printout
A screenshot of a test results

Description automatically generatedPassed WOF Printout

A screenshot of a computer screen

Description automatically generatedWOF Register

A screenshot of a computer

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Here you can drill into the WOF checks and reprint.

A screenshot of a computer

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