Once the WIP has been set up and the appropriate labour lines input, clicking on the ‘Loan vehicles' button

opens the Loan Vehicle Diary. 

This displays a list of loan cars and their current booking status. This display can be changed to look at the Daily, Weekly or Monthly diary by using the appropriate buttons on the diary toolbar.

Looking at the ‘Weekly’ view as shown above, you can see the bookings for the loan cars for the next two weeks, and the coloured blocks denote the booking status as described in the legend section of the screen. The numbers seen in the booking ‘cells’ show how many times the vehicle was booked out on that day. 

The bottom area on the booking diary screen shows any previous courtesy car booking for the customer currently loaded on the WIP.

Allocating a vehicle
To allocate a loan car, click in the cell relating to the required date and vehicle.

After selecting the appropriate date and vehicle, the booking screen opens up as detailed below.

At this booking stage, the only fields we can amend are the dates and times the loan car is due out, and when the vehicle is due for return.

All other areas are at present unavailable for changes. Once the dates and times have been entered, the booking screen is saved and closed by clicking on the ‘Save’ button. This will return you to the WIP screen where the WIP can also be saved back.

When the WIP is reloaded, a note showing a courtesy car is booked is displayed directly beneath the New Product box

Amending/Cancelling a booking

Should a booking for a loan car need to be rescheduled or cancelled, the appropriate button on the loan booking screen should be used

The ’Re-schedule’ button will allow the booking dates and times to be updated with the revised details

The ‘Cancel booking’ button will prompt for confirmation before deleting the booking

Starting a loan car

When the customer arrives and drops off their car, we can commence the loan of the courtesy car. Clicking on the ‘Loan vehicles’ button in the relevant WIP will open up the loan booking screen where we can now start the loan.

Some of the areas that were previously unavailable to edit have now become available. The ‘Mileage out’ box will be completed to record the actual mileage on the loan car, and the ‘Time started’ will automatically record the current time.

‘Out Branch’ is the dealership loaning the car out – used if you have multiple branches sharing the same system

‘No CDW?’ Collision Damage Waiver. Used to suppress a charge to the customer if they decline additional insurance for collision damage. This will however automatically increase the insurance excess figure.

The fuel level will also need to be recorded prior to the commencement of the loan. This is done by clicking against the relevant marker on the fuel gauge.

Ending booking

When the loan car is returned, we need to record the fact and make any required charges. This means that the loan must be ended before the customer invoice is produced. The WIP is loaded into POS and the ‘Loan vehicles’ button clicked to open up the Courtsey Car Booking Form.

The return date is recorded, and the system will automatically record the current time. The return mileage will also need to be entered, as well as the new fuel level. 

Once these elements have been completed, the charges are calculated and displayed as shown above. Before the loan is closed, a loan car completion document must be printed, and this is done by clicking once again on the ‘Print’ button. Having printed the form, the ‘Return’ button becomes active and once clicked, the loan is complete.

Once the loan has been completed, the booking diary will now show the booking in blue to indicate it has been completed.