To get the vehicle efficiency and safety ratings images from NZTA and print you can use these steps. User can import view/print the Label

Please contact Systime Support for the setup mentioned in RED

1. Systime will have to copy the Format VS>NZR to customer's Live pack>R drive>Vehicle emission

2. Copy the Form VEEL[V01] to customer's Kprint server>R drive>Vehicle emission

Parameter setup

Go into Country Specifics(CS) > NZ > Vehicle stockbooks > System parameters

NZTA rating ID  > Correct ID of the dealership

Printer > Can be specific spooler or leave blank which will pick the users default printer

Do not change the Format

Printing the Label

1. Go into Vehicle stockbooks > Vehicle administration > open the vehicle

2. Click on the NZTA emission icon

3. A screen will pop up and will take a few minutes to pull the data from NZTA, you can see the progressing status at the bottom left corner.

4. Once connected, the data will be displayed.

5. You can click on the Print button to print both Labels

6. If you want one of them, click on the Label you want to print, Mouse Left button, then click print

Based on the setup, either it will print to the user's default printer or to the specific printer in the parameter