Warning there are a large number of confirmations required

When the resubmit is successful the Transfer reference will be updated with today's date & time.
If the date and time are still the original/last time submitted this has not been successful.

Within Purchase Control / Submit Stock Order

Select the Manufacturer Code

Select the order you wish to resubmit

You will be presented with

Select Re submit

Select Yes

Select Re submit again

You will now be back on the Submit Stock Order screen 

The order line will be blue and the transfer reference will still be the old date & time (Ignore this transfer reference date & time in screenshot)

Click Submit

Select the relevant Despatch method (if required)

Tick Confirm re-submission

You may be presented with this box

Select Overwrite

Select Yes

A box like above will appear

Now your order will no longer be blue and you should have todays date and time in the transfer reference