There may be times where you need to post a Customs invoice and code this to a specific NL account. You can get the error "Warning GST total differs" if batched in the recommended batch method.

Below are the steps to take to batch these type of documents when the GST amount needs to be itemised.

Complete the Create new document using your Customs credit account

In the Transaction field, code your freight charges to the relevant NL account > Ensure that the GST code entered is "E"xempt

Click on Save and click on OK > Note : At this point you will get the error message "Warning : GST total differs" click on OK

Double click on the GST field on the Document Summary (as highlighted below) , you will se that the GST field is now available in the Itemise GST field > Enter the GST portion only and click on OK

Click on Close

Click on Save  > Post and print your daybook.

This invoice will now be on your creditors account