A GST only invoice needs to show as Input GST.

The amounts cannot be journaled straight to the GST Input control, as the GST log will not agree with the Nominal Ledger, so a document needs to be batched on via the Purchase Ledger, where the net affect on the Nominal Ledger is zero.

Although the following method of entering a GST only invoice is not technically correct, as an amount is entered against the Input goods value for example 0.01c at S standard rate, and -0.01 for O outside the Scope, these values are not material.

To post a GST only invoice via the relevant Purchase Ledger, navigate to the following;

  • Select Purchase ledger from the Main Menu
  • Select Batch input of documents from the Purchase Ledger menu
  • Select No to: "Do you require VSB Postings?"
  • Enter Documents of 1 and a Batch total of the GST only invoice amount
  • Click create
  • Enter the relevant Purchase Ledger account code.

  • Select Document type I for Invoice, or C for credit note (depending on what needs to be corrected) and all other reference and date fields should be completed as appropriate.

Enter the GST only amount in the GST value field and the Document total field e.g.


Goods value DR $0.00 NL Account Code

GST value DR $66.00 Input VAT Control

Document Total CR $66.00 PL Control Account

The following Steps must have a net affect of Zero on the Nominal Ledger account code.

  • Click the Transactions button

  • Enter a Nominal Ledger account code for the equal and opposite entries, normally a write off account or error postings.

  • Any suffix and narrative you require

  • GST Code S Standard Rate

  • Amount = +0.01c

  • Click Save

  • Click create and enter the same NL Account code as the previous transaction line

  • Any suffix and narrative you require

  • GST code O outside the scope

  • Amount = -0.01c

  • Click save

  • Then OK

Save and post the batch and print daybooks necessary