Get additional data on Stock Movement
When you view transactions on the Parts Movement screen in Stock Management, you see some basic detail about this movement. By double clicking a movement line, a further screen will open with additional information. But what if you wanted to see all the movement for a particular wip or all the movement for a customer within a date range. To do this you will require the Parts Movement Enquiry report found in Point of Sale, Reports & Enquiries, Frequently Used Reports. This report has a number of prompts where you can filter your requirements. The report will search the Movement file for the data entered. It is always more accurate if you can enter a date range, ie if you were looking for movements on a particular wip, the wip entered may have been reused multiple times over the years. A "Ball Park" date range will suffice.
This report is also handy to report on parts movement for parts that have since been deleted.