In the Verify Invoices and Purchase Control screen, there are two fields, State and Status. What do the letters in these fields represent?


1. Status Code (Su)

B represents a parts line on a supplier back order
S represents a parts line on a stock order
V represents a parts line on a VOR order
L represents a labour line
R represents a parts line received
X represents a parts/labour line Received/Verified depending on the ST code
Z represents a parts line deleted

2. State Code (St)

A represents a parts line that has been advised
I represents a parts line which is attached to a PC Invoice (verification)
O represents a parts line attached/unattached to an order (not received)
R represents a parts/labour line received (not yet verified)
V represents a parts/labour line Received and Verified but EOD not run yet
X represents a parts/labour line Received and Verified
Z represents a parts line deleted