If you have paid a Purchase Ledger invoice by mistake which shouldn't have been paid, this article lists the steps which you can follow to undo the payment or reinstate the supplier invoice.

Please go to Purchase Ledger | Display Accounts, Enter the account code, and select the invoice which you want to reinstate with a single click and then click on Allocations button at the bottom:

Allocated payments window will open and double click the payment line which will show which account was credited when the invoice was paid:

From the allocations window we can see that payment was allocated to a bank account 4000, note down the bank account number.

From the Purchase Ledger menu select Cash posting and allocation

  • On the Header tab, enter the posting date, the correct NL bank account, and any suffix needed.
  • Tick Display Paid Invoices and enter the account code. Select Payment type.
  • Enter relevant references and the value to be reversed. If reinstating an invoice the amount will need to be entered as a negative. This will put an amount in the Bank field at the top.

After entering the amount as negative as shown above, go to Allocation tab and select the invoice which you want to reinstate, click on Resinstate button at the bottom which will put R against the selected invoice and make the bank payment as zero and also enable Post button.


Click the post button and you'll be prompted with option to Print Daybooks which will complete the process of reversing the payment.