There may be times when you need to convert a New vehicle stock book to a Demonstrator. This is exactly the same process as converting Used vehicle stock book to a Demonstrator/Loan or Courtesy.
Go to VSB, Vehicle Administration and select the vehicle you wish to convert to a demo or used vehicle. The new vehicle stock record MUST NOT have any outstanding costs held against it at the point of conversion, if there out outstanding costs, i.e. spec lines with no actual costs, then delete these lines. Also remove any fixed cost lines like Yard Fees (have a F under the “S” column).
Take a note of the values and information as you can add these spec lines back onto the used vehicle record when it is created if appropriate.
Ensure all recoverable spec lines have had their sale price removed if there is one in the field.
On the Vehicle price line change the selling price to be the same as the cost price of the vehicle.
- Go to the Sales Brief tab
This information will need to be completed before the transfer can be completed
- CRM Customer Name : You can set up a CRM customer record for this purpose or use perhaps a CRM record that might exist for the dealership.
- Invoice Account : Often we will have a SL account specially set up for conversions of new vehicles to demo/used car stock
Select Yes to overwrite all specification lines with the SL GST code of "Z" or "E"xempt so that no GST amount is added
Customer Account : use the arrow in middle from the invoice account to transfer information across to the customer account.
- Selling Branch : Enter the correct selling location.
- Sales Type - Enter “D” for Covert to Demo Car – (Note: Sale type letter may vary at sites)
- Sales Executive : Enter any relevant sales executive or "house executive" if one exists
- Estimated and Actual Delivery Date
- Registration number : Enter the vehicles Registration number if it has not already been updated.
- Registration Date : Enter the vehicles registration date if it has not already been updated.
- Invoice Date
Once the above criteria has been met, you can then proceed to process the transfer as follows.
- Click on the Vehicle Menu Option
- Select Convert to > Select Demonstrator or Hire or Loan
If outstanding costs still exist you will receive a warning and you will not be able to proceed, you must have spec lines still on the vehicle with no actual costs – these need to be deleted. Delete the costs and try again.
Choose the Franchise, Model and Variant (same as what is already on the vehicle)
Option Code: You can use “Manually entered” or any generic recoverable option like “Accessories”.
GST Qualifying – MUST be set to Y for Yes, you do not need to put in a GST number underneath, it can be left blank.
Click on "Yes" to print the document
- Click on Continue
- Click on Continue
- The used vehicle created will be brought up onto your screen
The record shows that the vehicle was converted from a new vehicle in the trade-in reference field:
Note: The spec lines with actual costs on the vehicle become part of the cost of the vehicle, any accessories that were fitted to the car are listed as text lines (these can be deleted if you do not want them by right clicking and deleting).
Your vehicle has now been converted to a demo/used car.
The new vehicle is flagged as closed.
The used vehicle stock number that it has been converted to shows on the trade in screen of the new vehicle
There are other ways demos are handled at dealerships:
1. Leave vehicles in new stock and use a progress code of “D” (Demo) “L”(Service Loan)
2. Using model/variant codes of “DEMO” or “SLOAN” when converting the vehicle