Part numbers are input via the first field of the New product group field on the Point-of-Sale form. Two options are available to put a new product line onto the WIP:
1. Type in the required part number.
2. OR use the word-search option. To do this, click on the search button on New Product field (...). Select Labour.
Type in a word that you think may exist within the stock file so that the system can match them in its search of the part number.
Double-click the line to select the required part number. The word search takes a little practice but is a particularly useful tool for identifying records from within what can possibly be a very large stock file.
Enter the Part number using one of the two methods described above. If the part is found on the stock file, the Part Details form is displayed.
Most of the information will be pre-populated already from the stock record. Amend any details as required on the form.
Click OK to load the part number to the WIP.
If you know the part number and you don't need to amend any of the default information, you can fast track by entering the part number and qty separated by a comma in the New Product text box. This will load the part number and quantity on the WIP without opening the Part Details form.
Depending on the requirement, you can do any of the following:
Issue the part to the workshop
- To issue the part to the workshop follow this link:
Invoice the part to a client
- To invoice the part to the client follow this:
Create order for the customer
- To create order for the customer if the part has no stock refer to this manual: