Autoplay Autoline Interface
Updated 29/04/2024
This is a 2 way interface between Autoplay & Autoline. Autoline sends repgen csv extracts to Autoplay via SFTP. Autoline receives XML files from Autoplay via SFTP
If data is changed in a field in Autoplay this will flow through to Autoline and vice versa. (If the customer is known to Autoline / been created in Autoline)
If a field is blanked in Autoline or Autoplay this will flow through to the opposing application
Autoline creates new customers when they are sent from Autoplay in a Lead or Customer XML
Until a Lead or Customer XML has been received from Autoplay we will ignore any Calendar / Trade-in / Test Drive /WriteUp XML’s received.
When a dealership goes live with Autoplay a full customer extract is sent (If the dealership was using Autoplay standalone previously, Autoplay will match the Autoline customers with the existing Autoplay customers and update the Autoplay record with the Autoline targt magic.)
On an interval basis all customers created or edited today are sent to Autoplay and they update their database. (Generally the MK.AX1 repgen)
The Autoplay database will contain all Autoline customer records PLUS any records created in Autoplay not yet sent to Autoline.
The reason Autoplay can have more records that Autoline is that Autoplay parameterizes at which stage of the customer journey they send the Customer / Lead files to Autoline.
This is generally because they don’t want to have their Autoline customer database filled with customers who may just walk in off the street and have a browse of their stock. This interaction maybe doesn’t progress, so they don’t want that customer in Autoline. The majority of dealers have this parameter set to be after a TestDrive has taken place. (This is controlled by Autoplay Parameters)
It is critical in Autoplay when adding a new customer that they do a proper search in Autoplay so that they don’t create a duplicate customer, otherwise that will flow through to Autoline and create a duplicate customer in Autoline.
There is no checking or matching of customers in Autoline in any way. The only matching is on the Autoline Customer Magic number sent from Autoplay. The only way an existing Autoline customer gets updated is if Autoplay sends the Autoline target magic number in the <CustomerRef> XML file**
**There is one exception when the customer is sent for the first time to Autoline with no CustomerRef we create the Autoline target and we write to the CS AK cusmp file (Autoline to Autoplay Customer mapping table). If they send another XML within quick succession Autoline reads that table to see if there is a match from the Autoplay <CustomerId> to an Autoline targt and updates the relevant Autoline targt. This is because Autoplay may not have yet received a new extract from Autoline with the modified / created customers from today to update their system with the Autoline customer number.
The programs and table dictionaries are in the CS AK product AKDMN3PRTY. This has been designed so other 3rd party products can be introduced eg something other than “AUTOPLAY”. Example IKE
The menu items below need to be manually added to the CS / AK /CRM menu
In testing at Farmers
MS / 00 / Generic File transfers – these should now transfer using SFTP
From 01/03/2023 there should now be an AUTOPLAY_PDF & AUTOPLAY_XML GFT – Once the dealers have PSM 998 - 1014
The AUTOPLAY GFT should be disabled.
You can clone the existing AUTOPLAY GFT
Then start and stop the Autoplay Daemon
Remote Actions
Make Folders in xfer directory called “Autoplay”
Go into Autoplay directory and create the following folders including one called “outward”
Example from Farmers
MK Reports
AX1 & AX2 & AXU to be scheduled in timed ops to upload Autoline customer/ company and vehicles.
These only upload amended records. Initially a one off bulk upload is required. Autoplay then needs to update their records with the Autoline customer number – this is so that when a customer is amended on Autoplay it sends the Autoline customer number – so that Autoline doesn’t create a new customer. Don’t start the Autoplay daemon until Autoplay have confirmed they have completed this task. Also if any records are already in the /Out folder prior to this occurring they should probably be moved to Processed and not processed into AUtoline as duplicates could be created.
Files CS/AK
This file maps the autoplay lead to create a CRM contact in Autoline
PROCMODE column.
N = don’t create a contact for this lead
1 = don’t create another contact for this lead type
So in the above example – awaiting action will not create contact codes
X = Create contact as closed
“ “ = Create contacts all the time for every action
Delivered and finance and Sold will only create a maximum of 1 contact for this lead – so as not to have duplicates.
CONTCODE – these contacts must be created in Autoline.
This file maps the Autoplay LeadID to Autoline CRM contact created
LEADID – unique numbered used by Autoplay
CONTSEQ – number within MK.conta file
ORIGSEQ – the original CONTSEQ number for this lead – this is so multiple contacts created for the same contact are all created within the same contact chain – not as an individual contact
This table maps the Autoplay Customer ID to Autoline CRM target (customer) number
TARMAGIC – MK.targt file
CUSTID – Customer Number in the Autoplay XML file.
dmerr – Daemon errors File
This file lists the XML files received and the relating contact and customer they apply to.
E = Excluded
P = Processed
D = Duplicate (cdemp PROCMODE = “1” and a second lead for the same lead ID and Lead description)
U = Un-required (cdemp PROCMODE = “N”)
This is the daemon parameters table
Default userid DEFUSER– this is used when an Autoline user is not found with the same name as the Autoplay User – the Name and spelling must be identical.
If not found the contacts will be created against this userid. Also emails eg of missing salespersons, will be sent to this users email address.
When a customer file is sent it does not include the userid that created it within Autoplay. So the exec assigned against the customer costcentre (tarcc) is this default user record. However when a lead file is sent then the exec is updated (if the exec is still the default listed above)
Wait time – WAITSECS =
Autoplay Daemon should be added to timed ops to start daily before people arrive at work
Create the Autoplay Contacts & Contact Group & Contact Source Code
MS X4 Parameter needs to be created for the CRM company
If not created the Tradein & Testdrive & WriteupPDF files can’t be created in CRM docs. The CS.AK.dmlog will show E for error and the files will be moved into the error folder not processed if this is not setup.
Records being changed
When troubleshooting problems like why does the customer address keep getting blanked out – or the email changed etc.
The easiest way to tell if this was caused by a file coming in from Autoplay.
Look at the Autoline audit logging.
The terminal column will say dm/AUTPL if the change was a result of the Autoline Autoplay daemon processing a file
Then you can look in the CS AK dmlog file to see the corresponding file processed at the same time.
Record has been created in Autoline but for the wrong Autoline User / Branch
[SAS-8668] Autoplay - Change to only use Incoming Customer XML for updates / not creation of targets - SAS Jira (
Whenever a customer record is changed (Not created) irrespective of whether the customer and lead has reached the required status like Test Drive – a Customer XML is sent from Autoplay
Customer files don’t have a salesperson in them – as a Customer could be linked to multiple leads with different salespeople.
This was causing an issue where, the customer file was received – the Customer didn’t exist in Autoline so a Customer was created. Because no salesman was in the file received then Autoline creates the customer using the default Autoplay user (normally APD) for a site with multiple CRM locations this becomes a problem as the location on the default user may not match the location of the user actually dealing with this customer.
This change is so if the customer doesn’t already exist in Autoline then they wont be created. This means when the lead XML file comes through when the customer has reached the appropriate Lead Status (like Test Drive), this will have the salesperson and the Autoline record will be created for the correct location and user.
Customer Updates will be processed and the customer details updated if the record already exists in Autoline. Items like address / phone number / email etc.
Errors Processing files
For any that have an E in the PROCSTAT column of CS.AK.dmlog
Look in CS.AK.dmerr for any messages
Checking outward files (files sent to Autoplay)
These are stored in the ../xfer/Autoplay/outward folder on the server.
Depending on the Autoline purge settings for how far they go back