Option to choose multiply or divide for currency conversion 

Release Notes

Add facility to multiply by exchange rate as well as divide.

Generic bank reconciliation process

Release Notes

Adding new NL banks dict.

Change to the order of Statements


It has been requested to change the order of statements at SL

What have we done? 

We have done changes to display the statements in proper order and the date format is DDMMYYYY.

Before fix:

Navigate to SL>Select SL company>Display accounts>under financial tab, click on statements button and verify 

See the above screen, statements are not in proper order.

After fix:

Navigate to SL>Select SL company>Display accounts>under financial tab, click on statements button and verify the order,

 Now archive dates are displayed in proper order and in the format of DDMMYYYY


Existing process changes immediately with software update. 

[CRI] SL - Clear paid documents - Prevent withheld items (11 & 7)


We periodically get issues with regards to deposits on vehicle stockbook records. The VSB vehicle is invoiced with a deposit value. After the deposit is moved to the archive the vehicle is credited in VSB. This is causing withheld items.

What have we done?

Preventing the archiving of Sales Ledger transaction/payment records when the related SL deposit may still be credited, including a check that the vehicle stock record is at closed status.

How does it look? 

Before situation:

The SL transaction (deposit) is moved to archive on performing clear paid documents.

After situation:

The SL transaction deposit is remained in the transactions (not moved to archive) even after vsb vehicle is invoiced and clear paid documents is performed.


Medium: Existing process changes immediately with software update. 

[CRI] - Prevent file full problems with NL.atran / NL.otran


During close prior year journals in Nominal ledger, if the table/file (NL.atran) are full, it is required to grow the files automatically. During NL daybook print, it is also required to grow the files (NL.atran and NL.otran) if it is full.

What have we done? 

The files will now extend by 1% instead of default 10% as the size of NL.atran and NL.otran are huge.

How does it look? 

There are no visual changes. 


Medium: Existing process unchanged, but new feature available. This has been not fully tested and only sanity test has been performed. Pilot should be done carefully

Export Tax summary - Multiple companies


It has been introduced to export NL tax summary data for multiple NL companies those who (NL companies) are having same GST number configuration.

What have we done?

We have added one more context menu for tax summary extraction called "Export data for all NL companies with same". By using this we'll export all qualified NL companies data those are having the start & end date in NL dates for all companies are same as for the current NL company. If not, then we'll prompt a clear message and exclude this NL company from the export.  If they have the same GST number and NL.dates is matching. Then include the figures for this NL company in the .csv file.

How does it look? 

Navigate to System utilities>00. Global >Management menu>NL company/GST no. mapping, here it's displayed all qualified NL companies those are mapped with same GST number for multiple NL companies extraction.

Navigate to Nominal ledger>Select NL company>GST options>GST reconciliation

Click on "Export all NL companies with same"

It will ask you to set local directory path for generating the export file.

The start & end date in NL dates for all companies should be the same as for the current NL company. If not, then displayed a clear message and exclude this NL company from the export.

If they have the same GST number and NL.dates is matching. Then include the figures for this NL company in the .csv file. 



Low: Existing process unchanged, but new feature available. 

Export Tax Summary – Single Company


It has been requested to add a new button 'Tax Summary' in GST Reconciliation screen to export all the tax summary details for all the NL Companies which will create a CSV file containing all the tax summary details

What have we done?

We have added a new button in GST Reconciliation screen to export tax summary details with below details:

1. Added 'Tax Summary' button in GST Reconciliation and when user clicks on it, export is completed by creating a new CSV file with name format as 'TaxSummary-CompanyTaxNumber-PeriodFrom-PeriodTo.csv'

Company Tax Number is taken as GST number which will take from GST number mapping screen for a specific company

2. First line of the CSV file contains all the field names

3.All the tax summary details are displayed in the file according to the GST

Reconciliation screen

4.When there is no GST Number for any specific NL Company then a warning is prompted.

How does it look?

Navigate to NL>GST Options>GST Reconciliation


Low- Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

NL Company – GST number mapping


It has been requested to create a new menu 'NL Company / GST No.mapping' to display all live NL companies, Description and to assign the GST numbers to all the NL Companies.

What have we done? 

We have added a new menu (available only for priority 8 users) with below details:

1.Added new screen 'NL Company / GST No.mapping' with three columns(NL Company, Description and GST Number)  'NL Company','Description' fields are read only fields and 'GST Number' field can    be entered by user.

2.All live companies and descriptions are displayed in NL Company and Description fields. All the non-live companies and test companies are excluded.

3. User can assign GST number to the NL Company. Same GST number can be assigned to multiple NL Companies.

4.User can save the record without assigning GST Number to NL Company.

How does it look?

Navigate to System Utilities>management menu>NL Company / GST No.mapping.




Low Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

MTD - Export divisions


At large dealer groups with divisional accounts set up there is a need to have the GST data shown and extracted similar to the MTD extract but for a single division so that separate accountants can have their data in an easy to use format for checking.

What have we done? 

This development is providing individual accountants who are responsible for validating the GST data for their division an easier means to receive and work with the data.

How does it look?

Navigate to NL > 01 (divisional company) > GST options > GST reconciliation and click on “Tax summary” button. Now there is an option provided to extract tax summary for that specific division, which is named as “Export current NL Divisional Company”



Low: Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

Adding the GST code field in the invoice authorization page Rev8


It has been requested to add "GST code " field on PL > Authorize Invoices screen as a last column in the screen

What have we done?

We have done below changes on PL > Authorize Invoices screen, 

1. Added new column "GST code" as last column on the authorize invoices screen 

2, If there is only GST code for a particular transaction, then that particular GST code is populated in the authorization main screen. 

3. If one transaction can have multiple GST codes or if there are multiple GST codes for a transaction that is displayed as '*' (Multiple GST codes)

How does it look? 

Navigate to PL>Select PL company>Authorize invoices (Enter PIN (For this Navigate to System utilities>Management menu>User details) and click on OK)



Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

MX - X2 Insert NL journal entries enhancement


It has been requested to enable the word search by reference within the Insert NL journal entries functionality.

What have we done  ?

Currently word search functionality is disabled, and the user must scroll down to look for a particular journal to load it and the post it. The journals that are displayed are too many and the user is consuming a lot of time finding the journals, so enable the word search by reference within the Insert NL journal entries functionality. All the authorizations take place in one location (centralized), looking up for the required batch (journal) has been made easier.

Add WSAUTJL to NL Timed operations> Configure schedule.  

Module: NL, Select Option: WSAUTJL


How does this look?

Before Fix:

In NL / Insert NL journal entries select the journal code “Auth – Load Authorised Journal” and search in the next field.

Another window is shown, where the user has to search for the requested batch (journal).


The problem is that customers have too many requested journals for several locations and all the authorizations take place in one location (centralized), looking up for the required batch (journal) is difficult and takes too much time

After fix:

Navigate to NL>Load any NL company>Insert NL journal entries. Add a reference to the  search field. 


It is executed successfully


 Low: Cosmetic change, but new feature available

SL/PL transfer parameter - Accounting Entries Issue


To fix the below issues:

1. When taking the transfer open through 'SL/PL cash posting and allocation' , the transfer account set up in the SL/PL parameters is not being used in all the postings. 

2. Along with the transfer account setup, the suffix is also not being populated with the document number.

What have we done?

1. The NL transfer account is being used in all the postings. 

2. Suffix is being displayed with the document number.

How does it look?










Low: Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

Find SL accounts that have not been used for some time and set stop flag


Add new menu option in main sl menu to stop old accounts

Purchase Ledger - unable to view scanned document for transaction 


Unable to view the already scanned document from 'Batch input of documents' screen 

What have we done? 

We have made changes to view scanned documents from batch input of documents screen 

How does it look? 

Navigate to PL>Batch input of documents and create a transaction by scanning the document by clicking on 'scanned' parameter and then navigate to PL>Display accounts>select the transaction(with document number) and click on 'Document' button then a scanned document is displayed. 

Create the transaction by providing the details:

00002905 is not posted:


Now manually enter the 00002905 in scanned label and post the document:


Document number is created :


After posting Navigate to PL>Display accounts and provide account which is selected for posting the document


Click on 'Document' button then a document is displayed




Low: Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

Changes in Take Deposits functionality with Deposit balance setup


Added changes for deposit postings.

Changes in NL System parameters to enable Deposit balance setup


Added deposit parameters for posting allocations.

CR: REV8-Purchase Ledger - Invoice Register - Edit transaction details issue


It has been requested to add a 'Attach' button in 'Edit transaction details' screen when the 'ActiGSTe/De-actiGSTe feature' parameter is active.

It is asked to change the document archive ID's and attach the new documents by clicking on 'Attach' button.

What have we done?

We have added a 'Attach' button in' Edit transaction details' screen when the 'ActiGSTe/De-actiGSTe feature' parameter is active.

We have also made changes to attach the documents in 'Edit transaction details' screen by clicking on 'Attach' button.

How does it look?

Navigate to PL>Invoice register>Edit transaction>provide account number and open any transaction then click on 'Document archive ID' ellipse button then 'Attach' button is available.




Click on Attach button and attach any documents(JPEG/TIFF/PDF)



Now navigate to PL>Display accounts>provide account number >select the transaction and click on 'Document' and click on 'View PDF'.





Low: Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

SL/PL - Backtag Display only aged debtors and creditors enhancement from EX to E-32 


SL/PL - Backtag Display only aged debtors and creditors enhancement from EX to E-32 

What have we done? 

We have done below changes in both SL and PL: 

1. Added new menu option under system maintenance to give the user the ability to change the format of the user defined age debtor’s analysis display format ID created initially. 

2. New field added to parameters to hold the age analysis debtors RG 3 letter Format ID.

3. New case statements added to check if the format report created and setup for age analysis debtors does exist and using the correct format ID set in parameters to open correct format ID used in a new menu option created to allow changes to the report format for age analysis debtors. 

How does it look? 

Go to Sales ledger> Select SL company> system maintenance> System parameters 

Under formats tab,


There is an option called "Display report format" to input format ID.

At this moment, there is no format ID is initialised her 

Navigate to Sales ledger> Select SL company> Reports & Enquiries > Aged Debtors analysis

"Display" button is not available.

Without display button user can't access/see selected SL transactions like as in pre-view mode. If he wants see print is the only option here.

Make sure required report is there and above highlighted field is not empty. Otherwise age analysis display format and display button which we introduced in below screen will not be enable.

Display report format ID is "ADA". 

Navigate to Sales ledger> Select SL company> Reports & Enquiries > Aged Debtors analysis


Now "Display" button is available to see SL debtor transactions 

Click on "Display" button and verify,


All SL debtor transactions are displayed here.

Go to SL > System maintenance > Age analysis display format,

Please check test results document for PL results.


Medium: Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

PRB: GST reconciliation drill does not work for archived tsumm records 


Customer has reported below issue: 

GST reconciliation drill was not working properly. There was no data displayed after the drill is done 

What have we done? 

We have now changed to display the values after the drill is done. Now the values are same as in main screen and the sum is matched. 

How does it look? 

Navigate to NL>GST Options>GST Reconciliation and provide the year range the records are displayed in the grid.


If user do drill (double click) for these records, then the same values are displayed, and the sum of the values are matched with total.





High: Existing process changes immediately with software update

PR4 - REV8 - MBT - PL - Checkbox to identify paper / electronic invoices 

What have we done?

A new field has been introduced in batch input of documents > create screen

How does it look?

Field - Invoice type 

It is a dropdown box with two options "Paper/Electronic"


A new column "Invoice type" in tables PL_tran and PL_atran to store the invoice type that is created while posting an invoice in Purchase Ledger.


PR4 -REV8 - MBT - SL - Checkbox to identify paper / electronic invoices 

What have we done?

A New field has been introduced in batch input of documents > create screen

How does it look?

Field - Invoice type 

It is a dropdown box with two options "Paper/Electronic"


A new column "Invoice type" has been added in tables SL_tran and SL_atran to store the invoice type that is created while posting an invoice in Sales Ledger.


Handling NL exchange rate for lower currencies 

Release Notes 

Add facility to multiply by exchange rate as well as divide

NL/TSUMM panic on EOD P42 Arguments not match format 


“NL/tsumm” can now be successfully run on the End Of Day schedule: 



Select “NL”: 

Select NL, SMENU037, « Consolidate Transaction Sumary » 


: Add to menu : 

Set for whatever schedule, probably “Once Only”: 


And set date and time as appropriate.


[Performance] - 6 - WL details are loading slowly 


Workshop loading screen when opened from a WIP with labour lines is taking a long time around 15-20 seconds to open. This performance issue is happening when we turn on the parameter in Workshop loading "Display total capacity hours" 

What have we done? 

When clicking on Load > Load from WIP screen with a labour line, the time it takes to load the workshop calendar screen is now improved.

How does it look? 

There are no visual changes. 

This performance issue was happening when we turn on the parameter in Workshop loading "Display total capacity hours". Now the performance is improved even though it is ticked. 


Workshop loading screen where the performance issue was observed. 



High: Existing process unchanged, but performance improved

[CRI] POS - Improve error message 'Tags Do Not Reconcile


When there is a mismatch in the menu code during vehicle preparation WIP invoice (specification line pushed to POS from VSB), the error currently shown is not clear for the user. 

What have we done? 

Enhanced the message of 'Tag valuation error' so that user can understand exactly what he must do to overcome that error. 

How does it look? 

Before situation: 

The message shown is not clear for the user 


After situation: 

Message is updated. 

Error lines are shown in red with a warning icon. Hovering over warning icon shows detailed message. 



Low - Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

ProActive -6 Slow searching wip(s) for Regno 


It was requested to change the keypath to be used when searching for WIP based on a registration number to improve the performance. 

What have we done? 

Performance of search is improved when a registration search is performed. 

How does it look? 

There are no visual changes however when the WIP search is performed with registration number, the performance is improved. 



Low - Existing process unchanged, but performance improvement made.

Purchase control suffix differs between postings 


When a delivery note is received into Purchase Control, the NL posting has a specific suffix. 

When the same delivery note is verified in Purchase Control, the NL posting has a different suffix. 

The suffix needs to be the same to ensure that the postings can be verified in NL. 

What have we done? 

Introduced a new parameter in purchase control system parameters named "NL Suffix" with one digit numeric. 

Only to be used if GRN number is greater than 8 characters. 

When parameter value is "0" (default) then no change at Suffix creation has to be made. 

With parameter value "1" the Suffix from order creation and as well from verification should be built from the first 8 digits of the GRN number. 

With parameter value "2" the Suffix from order creation and as well from verification should be built from the last 8 digits of the GRN number. 

Note: For 9304E branch, "1" and blank/0 are valid values as the existing behaviour does not show last 8 digits of GRN number unlike other branches like 9304E-EX and 9304H 

How does it look? 

New parameter is introduced in Purchase control > System maintenance > System parameters - "NL Suffix" - Set this to 1 if we want to get first 8 digits of GRN as NL suffix

Receive a purchase order from purchase control with GRN greater than 8 characters

After running Stock EOP update from Stock management, check the postings in NL - The suffix is having first 8 characters of GRN

PC > Verify received invoice


First 8 digits of GRN is considered


Similarly, if the NL suffix is set to 2 - Last 8 digits of GRN will be considered


Medium: Existing process changes immediately with software update

Wip's are not coming in search results screen in both dev and QA environment 

Release Notes 

REV8-49003 Modified the code to fetch open wip and reuse

Prt- POS Discount by vehicle age Migrate current CS programs to X1 

Release Notes 

REV8-52999 Add MS_Control to set the customized labour rates for all franchises

POS Deposit - Replace hard coded GST codes 


It was requested by the client to fix below: 

The GST code for POS Deposit transactions for “D” type transactions is being posted with GST code “I” and is been hard coded in the program. It should pick GST Code from NL -> system parameters -> system flags -> Outside scope GST code if "Outside scope GST code" is set. Otherwise the hard coded value should display. 

What have we done? 

POS Deposit transactions for “D” type transactions is being posted with GST code  from NL -> system parameters -> system flags -> Outside scope GST code if "Outside scope GST code" is blank then displaying the hard coded value 

How does it look?

Navigate to Nominal Ledger > System Maintenance > System Parameters > in System Flags tabs check Outside scope GST code field 


From the System menu > Point of Sale > Point of sale. 

Log into Point of Sale, Search for an existing customer and select an existing vehicle (or add a new vehicle if one doesn't exist) and add to WIP. Search for a part or Labour and add to WIP, save the WIP. Reload the last WIP, Click on Action button and after providing payment details print notification

Navigate to SL > Display account and see the transaction details, now it will show the GST code as what is set at outside scope GST code and not hard coded value: 



High: Existing process changes immediately with software update

Round issue during splitting WIP line 


It has been requested to add a new parameter called "Allow contribution<1%” for <1% contribution percentage and modify split amount round/allocation process. 

What have we done? 

We have done below changes as part of this US:

1. A new parameter is created so that user can contribute less than 1% in POS. This can be added in Point of Sale>System maintenance>POS parameters > Flags- Priorities > Miscellaneous tab, If this parameter is actiGSTed, then user needs to have a possibility to give contribution less than 1% and calculated accordingly. By default, this parameter will be inactive (i.e., set as "N") 

2. When splitting WIP Line, even though we have input some amount, the percentage is calculated properly and added split lines without any conversion. 

How does it look? 

Scenario 1: Verify if user should be able to get new parameter under Point of sale>system maintenance>POS parameters > Flags- Priorities > Miscellaneous tab 

By default, it will be Un-check/ Inactive 

Navigate to Point of sale>system maintenance>POS parameters > Flags- Priorities > Miscellaneous tab 

Verify here, user should get new parameter or not, 


User should be able to get new parameter called "Allow contribution <1%” under miscellaneous tab. 

By default, the parameter "Allow contribution <1%” is inactive.

So, click on amend and active the parameter and save changes. 


Now the parameter is actiGSTed. 

Scenario 2: Verify if parameter is active then user should get an option to calculate contribution when the percentage is less than 1%. 


1.    Parameter "Allow contribution<1%” is actiGSTed (Point of sale>system maintenance>POS parameters > Flags- Priorities > Miscellaneous  ab) 

Navigate to Point of sale>Select SO company>point of sale, 

Create/Load a WIP,


Click on “Total” value,


Case 1: Mention 1 in percentage field and tab-out,


User should not get an error/warning popup here, it is allowing user to do calculations even it is 1%.


Click on Print and verify, 

Case 2: Mention 0.5 in percentage field and tab-out 


Here also it is allowing user to do percentage calculation. 

Scenario 3: Verify if parameter is active then user should get an option to calculate contribution when the percentage is more than 1%. 

Navigate to Point of sale>Select SO company>Point of sale, 

Select a part with P status, 


Print- Requisition, 



Now click on "Total" value, 


Enter percentage >1% and verify,


It is allowing user to do WIP splitting calculations if percentage>1%, 

Enter percentage 99% and verify, 


Print the WIP and verify, 

WIP is printed successfully without any issues. 

Scenario 4: Verify if user should be able to get all split lines or not once, he/she contribute the percentage 

Navigate to POS>Select SO company>Point of sale, 

Load a labour/part line and complete (C)/ Issue (P) it, 


Click (Double click or right click) on Total value of the WIP line and verify, 


Enter 500 in value field, tab-out and verify,


Value is added without any conversions. 

Try with other values and verify, 

Now value is not converted to digits and nothing is added/lost from that value when the time of splitting WIP Line. 

Put it 99% in percentage field and verify,


Click on OK, 

Right click on header "Total" and verify split lines, 


User should be able to get all split lines here. 

Select flag and enter percentage 50% and verify, 


Click on OK and verify, 


Split line is added to WIP so user should get all split lines here. 


Medium: Existing process changes immediately with software update and new feature also available

Menu Code - Unlink automation 


In POS service it is possible to group items labour and parts items in Menu's manually. This is also done automatically by selecting a pre-defined menu. Most of the WIP's do have these menu items on them. If the user wants to unlink a complete menu of a menu code, we do not have a facility for that. This must be done line by line. In case of large WIP's this could be time consuming and not user friendly. The user must find the menu and item on the left-hand side and select item by item to pull this to the right-hand side. Then re-organize the unlinked items as requested. 

What have we done? 

Provided a new option "Unlink lines from menu" which can unlink all lines present under one group. 

On double click, single line can be unlinked. 

How does it look? 







Low: Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

UK_REV8_Contact Centre_Reschedule workshop bookings beyond 99 days 


It has been requested to increase the book days ahead parameter to 3 characters then user will get an option to booking a service within 1 year. 

What have we done? 

As part of development, We have increased "DAYS" field in "00.CC.dealr.sq" dictionary to 3 characters but here it was restricted to maximum of 365 days , so which will enable staff book /reschedule customers over 99 days in advance for when workshops will be operating fully again. 

How does it look? 

Before fix:

As part of the current functionality, there is a parameter in CC.dealr with name "DAYS" which allows only upto 2 characters and dealers can book up to 99 days, 


After fix:

Navigate to Call centre>Select CC company>Group maintenance>Dealers 


It is allowing user to enter/provide maximum of 3 digits for no.of book day's ahead parameter. 

Resource plan: 

Navigate to Call Centre>Dealer options>Resource plan>Select location 

Click on Apr 2020 arrow option, 


See the above screen, current month is April and duration starts from: Mar 2020, click right arrow and verify, 


See the above screen, the maximum duration is Mar 2021. 

Earlier it was Sept 2020, now we are increased up to Mar 2021. So total duration is 1 year. 


Medium: Existing process changes immediately with software update

Bin Locations are not updated correctly 


It has been requested to introduce a new parameter in POS > System maintenance > POS parameters - Flags- Priorities - Parts 2 tab to check the parameter for Update the bin location when part is at R status, 

What have we done? 

We have done changes to create a new parameter, by using that Update BIN location - This will be a Boolean field and by default Unticked which will mean that the functionality implemented as part of QA305511 will not be effective and if ticked the functionality implemented in QA305511 will be effective. 

How does it look? 

Navigate to POS > System maintenance > POS parameters - Flags- Priorities - Parts 2 tab, check the parameter for auto select bin location for parts when part line changed from R status, 


Users get the new parameter "Update bin location for reserve parts" in above mentioned path. 

It is a Boolean type field and by default un-ticked. Which means that the functionality implemented as part of QA305511 will not be effective and if ticked the functionality implemented in QA305511 will be effective. 

Help text of parameter is: Update bin location when part is at R status. 


Low: Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

POS - Make GST code parameter controlled 


It is requested to add a GST code priority parameter to restrict the user on editing the GST code while adding a part and labour to a WIP in POS with respect to the user priority.  

What have we done? 

A new GST Code priority parameter is introduced to part and labour to edit the GST while adding a part line and labour line with respect to user priority. 

If the user priority is above the priority set to part & labour GST code then the user can edit the GST code while adding a part and labour. 

If the user priority is below the priority set to part & labour GST code then the user will be restricted to edit the GST code while adding a part and labour. 

How does it look? 

Navigate to POS>System maintenance>POS parameter>Flags-Priorities. A new parameter is added to set the priority of part GST code. 

“Edit part GST priority” is editable with amend. 


Priority is set to 7 

A parameter for Labour GST priority is being added. 

Labour GST code is editable with amend. 

Labour GST code priority is set to 7 


User with 5 priority is taken for testing


Log in as the user to test. 

Navigate to POS>POS and load the user. 

while adding a part the GST code is restricted to edit. As the user priority is below the Part GST code priority 

while adding a labour the GST code is restricted to edit. As the user priority is below the Part GST code priority. 

The Part and Labour GST code priority is now set to below the user priority. 

Loading the user in POS. 


Now the GST code is editable while adding a part and labour 




Low: Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

UK-REV8-Send VHC reports by email - No Cancel button 


I've come across another small issue with the VHC emailing. There doesn't appear to be any way to cancel the process once you've clicked on "Email VHC" from the menu option. 

What have we done? 

Fixed the issue and provided a cancel button. 

How does it look?


Low: Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

X1 Extend the parts form in POS and SM. Functionality 

Release Notes 

REV8-67409 Added new hook for extended stock search form for X1 67409


Currently in POS and SM the parts form is not showing the whole description when you are searching for parts. This is applicable on the search and not on parts maintenance. Specifically with parts that have a generic description and in the end of the description the exact detail (like tyres e.g.) it almost impossible for a user to select the correct part in one go. This is slowing down the parts department on completing WIP's. The situation is that a parts description can contain 40 characters as well as the price file. On searching only 22 characters are shown.

What have we done?

Add a new product to the X1 module. X1PARTSDESC Extend parts description in the PC/SM/SO module. This should be switched on with a parameter to active this function. 

How does it look? 

X1 Extend the parts form Switch Parameter for POS, SM and PC.  

Navigation: MS>X1>Aftersales Generic add-ons 

We can enable/disable for improved stock search form in POS,SM,PC modules part search screen 





X1 Extend the parts form in POS  

Navigation: Point of sale>Company>Point of sale>Parts/Service  




X1 Extend parts search form in Stock management 

Navigation: Stock management>Company>Display stock card  


X1 Extend parts search form in Purchase control 

Navigation: Purchase Control>Company>Purchase Control  






Low - Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

REV8-Purchase Control - Unable to view attached PDF document 


It has been requested to view the attached documents in Purchase control for the documents which are attached from PL>registered documents. 

What have we done? 

Now we have changed to view the attached documents in Purchase control for the documents which are attached from PL>Enter registered documents. 

How does it look? 

Navigate to PL>Invoice register>Enter registered documents>and create a document by providing all the details and attaching the files. 

Post and print the day book. 


Now navigate to Purchase control>Verify received invoices and click o 'New invoice and provide the 'supplier account' then click on 'supplier reference' ellipse button then select the created document and click on 'View document' and a document is displayed. 





Low: Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

CR: X1 Extend parts form - Open form in POS direct search as well 


It has been requested to display the parts search form with extended parts description and tool tip available when a part is searched from 'New product' field 

What have we done? 

We have changed to display the parts search form with extended parts description and tooltip available when a part is loaded directly from 'New product' field in POS

How does it look? 

Navigate to POS>01 and search a part form 'New product' field then a new parts search form with extended parts description and tooltip also available for the extended description of parts as shown below: 




Low: Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

Add missing E25 code to E32 

Release Notes 

REV8-83468 Add an 'All departments' option to the Workshop Loading stats report.

WL/ADJCK - Provide access to correct WL clocking in case of no DATE OUT 


If the technician is not able to clock out from any tasks during the current day, into the next is not possible to clock the date out from from DMS-IT department, only Keyloop support department can complete the task. 

What have we done? 

We are adding access to users level 8 to complete the pending tasks. 

How does it look? 

Workshop loading > Miscellaneous option, Adjust clockings. 



High: Existing process changes immediately with software update. 

Roles affected: Sales managers and sales executives


[CRI] [REM:1600773] Customer records - queries why customer record was not deleted 


As a CRM manager, I need a way to see why a CRM record which is marked as "X" was not removed, without asking for an investigation. 

What have we done? 

The reasons for not removing the X status CRM records is now being saved on a log file. This file can be accessed from "CRM > System maintenance > View Consolidate Log" 

How does it look? 

A log is being created now whenever consolidation of CRM has been executed. 


If you attempt to consolidate the CRM files from foreground

 Run CRM 00 > System maintenance > Consolidate files


If there are unconsolidated records found, then the following message will appear 


Choosing Yes, will display the log as shown below. 

The below highlighted reason is related to NL tsumm retention period parameter not set. Additionally, we will have all the records reasons for not consolidating them.



Similarly, run the consolidation in EOD. 

You can notice that there is a message in the system log in timed operations indicating there are unconsolidated records. 


The log file is stored in $BASE/misc/logs and is a company specific file. Each company will have a separate file. This file will get overwritten every time consolidation has been executed. 


Low: Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

MK HISTY/HIARC Tables full and can not be extended further 


MK HISTY/HIARC Tables full and can not be extended further 

What have we done? 

After the fix new table MK.hiarc & MK.hiar1 will be created to move data from mk.histay table; depending on date mentioned in system parameter. & record will be permanently deleted from MK.hair1. 

How does it look? 

Run MK/CONSO from GUI/timed ops; 




Low: Existing process unchanged, but new feature 

Add ability to setup email id at company level 


Required to handle email information in CRM companies 

What have we done? 

Added a new control in CRM for companies under X4 base product 

How does it look? 


Users will be allowed to handle email information in companies


Pro-Active - 3 - Clean / Dirty chain not executed 


It happens sometimes that agent may get suspended while executing an EOD chain. Hosting team will put a shutdown status file so that system will be up and running. However, it is possible that agentstate file exists if the agent was suspended while running standalone option. At this point the shutdown status file will not be checked / used when there is a agentstate file. The agent will continue with the next task (which is wrong) and the shutdown status file is still there. If someone is stopping / starting the agent at a later moment, then the clean / dirty chain will be executed. Which is terminating all existing sessions. Which is a big problem that happened on a big customer site. So there is problem when the system has both agentstate file and shutdown status file. 

What have we done? 

When the system has both shutdown status file and agentstate file,

- Starting a daemon from daemon controller will prompt the user with an option to run system recovery or continue EOD.

- Starting the daemon from restart library there will not be any prompt as it runs in the background, shutdown status file gets the priority.

How does it look? 

Before situation: 

When both shutdown status and agentstate files exist in the system, system always runs agentstate file which continues EOD which is not always correct and the next time, shutdown status will be executed as it is still there in the system which is also not correct. 

After situation: 

Daemon controller System utilities > Timed operations > Daemon controller 

Starting daemon will prompt a user message when both agentstate and shutdown_status files exists.


 If daemon is started by priority 8 user, then a message appears without starting the daemon. 

If the daemon is started by kcc user, the following message appears. 


Choosing system recovery option will start the daemon and execute DIRTYR chain or CLEANR chain based on the text "CLEAN" or "DIRTY" that is present in shutdown_status file in $Home directory


If the user has chosen 'Continue EOD' option, then the chain will execute by looking at the agentstate file.


Agent is suspended while running Check all files option in chain CONTINU1


Agentstate file created


Put shutdown_status file


start the daemon 


Choose continue EOD option 


CONTINU1 chain is resumed and finished.


- Restart library: 

Similarly, if the agent is started from System utilities > Management menu > Restart library, shutdown status file will get the priority. 




Medium: Existing process changes immediately with software update

[CRI] Display users - Allow ASU users to do a multi-select 


Non-kcc advanced system users should also have the ability to multi select partitions in display users. 

What have we done? 

Non-kcc advanced system user will now have the ability to multi select partitions within display users similar to that of kcc users. 

How does it look? 

System utilities > Display users 

Setup: Advanced system user should be ticked in System utilities > Management menu > Display users, to treat a non-kcc user as Advanced system user 


Before situation: 

Non-kcc power user (Advanced system user), not able to perform multi selection. 


After situation: 

Non-kcc advanced system user can now multi select and action on the partitions. 



Low - Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

[Performance] - 9 - Prevent duplicate key indices 


Duplicate keys on KDB tables are a performance nightmare and can cause some horrible hangs and huge spikes in IO on large tables. To put it in simple terms, to avoid performance issues in several areas by removing duplicate key option during dictionary creation/modification.

What have we done? 

Remove duplicate key option in case of creating a new key in the dictionary. However, the existing duplicate keys are not disturbed. It will continue to exist unless user modifies it to some other key (Prime or Unique).

How does it look? 

Before situation: 

Open any dictionary key from Data maintenance > Edit data dictionary key > Keys tab 

Create new/modify: 

There is an option to select 'Duplicate key' 


After situation: 

While creating a new key or amending an existing key(other than duplicate key), there is no option to set 'Duplicate key'. It is now removed. 

However, if there is an existing 'Duplicate key' it will be retained. 


Status bar message is also added 



Low - Existing process unchanged, but there is a technical change

[CRI] Sytner / Inchcape - Allow user to change default Printer/Spooler 


Sytner (and Inchcape) sites are currently raising a lot of cases to get the default printer changed for the users. This is because there is no system admin within these companies. This is done by CDK. 

What have we done? 

Low priority users will now have access to modify the printer in "Terminal map" option and also in point of sale terminal details for whom the priority is matching the following criteria 

Terminal map: Menu priority =1 and User priority < 6 

Terminal details: Menu priority = 5 and User priority < 7 

How does it look? 

Before situation: 

Low priority users do not have access to modify printer in Terminal map and point of sale terminal details. 

Default printers are changed in these options: 

System Utilities > Management Menu > Terminal Map 

Point of Sale > Miscellaneous Options > Terminal Details 

After situation: 

Terminal map: 

Users can access terminal map option to modify printers if the following criteria is matched. User will only have access to his own terminal and cannot change the terminal number in the terminal map form. 

Menu priority = 1 

User priority < 6 

Example: User with priority 5 and terminal map menu priority 1 

Current terminal is loaded not allowing the user to change terminal  

User can amend the printer 

Terminal details: 

Users can access the terminal details option and will be able to view and amend only printer related fields on satisfying the below criteria 

Menu priority = 5 

User priority < 7 

Example: User with priority 5 and terminal details menu priority 5 

Able to view and amend printer of current terminal only. 

In case the user terminal details are not found, or user is supposed to use shared terminal i.e. terminal 0, user cannot access the menu. A message is displayed. 



Low - Minor change in existing process for some users

Pro-Active - 3 - Startagent , run agent as soap user 


Some options started by the Timed operations agent need to be run as a specific userid. For example the KCML upgrade in EOD 

What have we done? 

On Drive systems the agent was already started as a soap service. We copied this functionality over to Rev8. In this way the agent will always run as kcc (Soap User). 

How does it look? 

There are no visible changes on screen. 

System Utilities > Timed Operations > Daemon Controller: 


If KCML is installed as non-root then the agent will automatically be started via a Soap Service. In this way the agent will always run as the soap user. 

If the Soap Service cannot be started (e.g. Connection manager not setup properly or Soap Lock exists) then a message will be displayed and the agent will be started in the 'old' way. 




High - Existing process changed. Needs to be piloted very carefully.

[CRI] Display ODBC License information 


It was requested to make the ODBC licence information visible in Display users. Now this information could only be retrieved by accessing the 'Display system information' menu under System utilities > Advanced system admin. 

What have we done? 

New option/icon 'ODBC' added to 'Display users' to show ODBC licence information. 

How does it look? 

System utilities > Display users 

Before situation: 

There is no ODBC icon to view ODBC licence information 

After situation: 

Clicking on ODBC icon will show the licence consumed information 

If there is no ODBC licence or ODBC not installed, then ODBC icon will not appear. 


Low - Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

[CRI] - Display users - Show confirmation before killing sessions


On attempting to kill all/multiple processes, there is a chance that the user may overlook and kill the agent as well which can cause the end of day tasks to stop/not run which is a risk. A warning message should be introduced so that the user can double check it before killing. 

What have we done? 

A warning message is introduced to ensure that the Agent is not deleted accidentally. 

How does it look? 

Go to System Utilities-> Display users ->Click Signal ->Select the process type: 

o    Selected processes (Single and multi-select processes) 

o    All Processes 

o    Background processes

Select Signal type-> Terminate / Kill / Panic / Halt / Reset / Dump / Alert 

Before situation: 

No warning message is given to confirm the termination 

After situation: 

A warning message is shown in following scenarios: 

o    Signal on agent - Single & multi-select if SU/AGENT is selected. 

o    Signal on all processes 

o    Signal on all background processes. 

For these actions: 

o    Halt 

o    Reset 

o    Alert Terminate 

o    Dump 

o    Kill 

o    Panic 




Low - Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

ProActive-4- Allow KClient upgrades by version on the PC 

Release Notes 

REV8-49601 Introduced new dbedit for capturing kclient mask which is used at the time of kclient updates in GB/LOGON

[CRI] Terminal count exceeded 


Improve message when user license count reaches.

What have we done? 

The message is updated to make it more clear for the users. 

How does it look? 

When user license exceeds, following message use to display 

Before fix:

User count exceeded on this terminal 

After fix? 

No more sessions allowed for this user. Please contact your system administrator to check the licenses and clear illegal users. 


Low- Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

[CRI] - Set standard printer on User ID 


It has been requested to setup standard printer at user id level. 

What have we done? 

We have created a new sub menu called "Standard printer for userid" under System utilities>management menu. 

Here user has an option to map the printer with different users. 

If there is printer mapping at user id level then it will display the same printer for all modules by default. 

If there is no printer mapping at user id level then it will fetch printer details from "Terminal map" nothing but GB/terms"-->Existing 

How does it look? 

Note: Once update system is done then better to exit from the session and re-login to it, otherwise panic will come while logging to the menu: "Standard printer for  userid" 

Once enter the pack login credentials and click on connect then immediately user will get below confirmation check, 

Continue here,

Navigate to System utilities>Management menu>Standard printer for userid

Now user got the "Standard printer for userid" as new sub menu under management menu. 

And see the above highlighted printer section, Printer: Screen means there is no printer mapping for login user (Now pack is login by user: kccj 


There is no printer for user: kcc. 

Click on create option and setup printer for user: kcc 

Select anyone printer and click on OK, 

Now user: kcc having default printer: SPOOL221- Dummy 

Exit here and verify the printer, 

Printer is not changed here I mean on the same session. 

Login to another session with user: kcc and verify, 

This time user not getting any confirmation check once entered the pack login credentials and click on connect why because we have printer mapping at user kcc level.

Printer is changed to standard printer setup one for all modules/sessions those who are login with userid: kcc 

Go to Main screen utilities>Data maintenance>Open uidpn table, 

Currently we have only one record at data table. 


High - Existing process unchanged, but new feature available


IDP Identity mapping to Rev8 User Id at login 


Autoline needs to be modified so it can work with Single Sign On identities and provide a seamless SSO user experience.

What have we done? 

A new mapping table (00.GB.idpmp.s) has been added to map IDP identities to Rev8 user ids. The Autoline login process (GB/LOGON) has been modified to check if an SSO login is being performed and if it is the case, map an Autoline user id against the IDP identity.

How does it look? 

The users will be able to log into Autoline from an Internet browser. We don't have screenshots of this part yet. 

The login process will map the IDP identity to an Autoline user id. The user mapping process is mostly transparent to the user but in some cases the user will see some messages appearing at login time. 

When an IDP identity (e.g. "idpuser1") is login in for the first time and has no mapping defined for it, the user will receive this message the session will close afterwards: 

When an IDP identity logs in and it already has a mapping record, but it is not complete, the user will see the following message and the session will close afterwards: The user will not be able to log into Autoline with the SSO unless there's an Autoline user mapped to the IDP identity. 



Low - Existing process unchanged, but new connection method available.

New Emissions Test Cycle Data (NEDC/NEDC Correlated/WLTP) 

Release Notes 

REV8-30626 Changes made to display the NEDC data in a new tab


VEH-2 Multiple use of the same option on quote and VS record 

Release Notes 

Initial commit. Allow the quantity required of an option to be specified when being added to a vehicle.


Parameterisation of CRM tarcc updates 

Release Notes 

Parameterisation of CRM tarcc updates Add five parameter fields.


[CRI] 'Insufficient priority, access denied 


Improve user message so that user can understand the exact problem. 

What have we done? 

Improved the message advising the user the exact problem. 

How does it look? 

Before fix:

User do not have access to MK module but trying to run the report which has MK module table 

After fix: 

Message has been improved to advise the user to check permissions to the modules that show in the tables of the report 



Low - Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process


VEH-16 - Highlighting vehicle damage on stock records 


New application file created for Damage Information file MK.damag


[CRI] - VSB - Unable to credit PL specification lines


In REV8 Purchase Ledger it is impossible to credit to a vehicle spec line with already received costs from Purchase Ledger. If customers wish to credit a spec line we advise them to create a new vehicle spec line and credit this one. This generates support calls because the lines can’t be removed by the customer because they contain actual costs. The lines need to be removed in data maintenance by CDK support.

What have we done?

The message has been modified while trying to delete a specification line that has cost indicating the user to perform credit in purchase ledger batch.

Also, user will be able to create a credit transaction from purchase ledger batch which updates the cost to 0 in vehicle specification line and the status to "C".

How does it look?

Vehicle stockbooks > Vehicle administration

Before situation:

When user tries to delete the specification line that has cost (actual cost) against it, a message is shown that line cannot be deleted, and user cannot perform credit for this line.


After situation:

User has the ability to credit and delete the line.

On attempting to delete the specification line, a message is appeared suggesting the user to perform credit invoice

Create a credit invoice from Purchase ledger - Batch input of documents

It is required to input the cost that we invoiced on the specification line during credit transaction else a message will appear prompting the user to input amount.

The specification line that needs to be credited would only appear if the amount matches the invoice amount exactly.

The amount field gets disabled once the line is selected

Credit invoice has been performed.

The specification line status updated to "C" and the actual cost to "0" which enables the line to allow deletion.



Medium: Existing process changes immediately with software update

[CRI] VSB - Improve CRM Vehicle link messages 


We periodically get issues with regards to the CRM vehicle link functionality. In most cases it is required to enter or modify the Chassis number. For the user this message is not clear, so multiple support cases are raised. Support is in most cases advising to add the correct Chassis number to the vehicle. 

What have we done? 

Error messages are updated to provide enough information to the user. 

How does it look? 

Vehicle stockbooks > Vehicle administration 

Before situation: 

Scenario-1 – CRM vehicle already attached to live VSB record X in company X 

Scenario-2 – Invoice VSB vehicle without chassis number 

Scenario-3 – Save VSB record without chassis number - CRM Vehicle link must exist 

Scenario-4 – CRM vehicle is already attached to a NEW VSB VSB record. You can create a used VSB record however. 

This scenario occurs when a VSB record already exists for this VIN and is at status I or higher. 

After situation: 

Scenario 1: CRM vehicle (Chassis number X) is already attached to the live VSB record X in company X Scenario 

2: Invoice VSB vehicle without chassis number 

Chassis number must be (re)entered 

Scenario 3: Save VSB record without chassis number 

Message is removed - "CRM Vehicle link must exist" 

Chassis number must be (re)entered Scenario 

4: CRM vehicle (Chassis number X) is already attached to the new VSB record X in company X. You can create a used VSB record however. 

This scenario occurs when a VSB record already exists for this VIN and is at status I or higher. 


Low - Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

[CRI] VSB Unable to accept order into vehicle 34 


It has been requested to add more information on popup in the case of accepting the customer orders, it will us/user to understand the reason and process the order. 

What have we done? 

We have done changes in the process of accepting customer orders, if in case any order is locked by somewhere else or at terminal, it will prompt popup with clear message like " This order is locked by login user (ex: kcc) on terminal xxxx. Please contact your administrator." 

How does it look? 

Before fix:

Unable to accept customer order in VSB as getting message of 'This order is in progress in showroom', it is not clear to user to accept the order. 

After fix:

Navigate to Showroom CRM>Quotations>Recall enquiry>Select enquiries with status- O> Next>Confirm it>finish the process, 

Once order has sent for acceptance then login to other session and go to VSB>Acceptance customer orders 

User getting clear popup like " This order is locked by kcc on terminal xxxx. Please contact your administrator." 


Low - Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

Add parameter for new vehicle deposit functionality in E32 


It has been requested to add a new parameter to switch on/off the shuffle up and more deposits feature in VSB >System Maintenance> System Parameters 

What have we done? 

Created a new parameter to switch on/ off shuffle up feature in VSB >System Maintenance>  System Parameters and by default it will be off. 

o    If Not actiGSTed, the deposits on VSB record do not shuffle up and 'More deposits' options as well not visible. 

o    If actiGSTed, deposits can be shuffled up if we delete any deposits in between. 'More deposits' option as well will be available to add more than 3 deposits. 

How does it look? 


A new parameter is added in Vehicle stock book>Select VS company>System maintenance>System parameters>General-4 tab, 

"Deposits Auto Sequence" which is of check box type and by default it will be unticked 

Scenario 1: If the above parameter is unticked and the user can add maximum of 3 deposits and it can be added in any slot (1, 2 or 3), if user adds a deposit in slot 3 leaving 1 and 2 slots blank, then the deposit will remain in slot 3 without shuffling up. 

Scenario 2: If the parameter is ticked, 'more depoisits' option will be available and the deposits will shuffle up on user actions. 

Navigate to VSB>Select VSB company>Vehicle administration> Load/Create a new/used vehicle> Finance details tab, 

Right click on deposit section>Search deposits, and add few more deposits

Top 3 deposits are displayed and rest are hidden under “More deposits…(3). 

Select 1st line>Right click>Select clear deposits 

Select Clear deposit, 

Deposit 1 is removed; Deposit 2 is shuffled up automatically. 

The deposits are shuffled up correctly when there is a gap in the deposits. 


Low - Existing process unchanged, but new feature available

REV8 NL Add information on a pushed line from VSB to POS 

Release Notes

REV8-64897 new ms control

Sales Executives unable to view their own Enquiries / Quotations in Advanced Vehicle Management (AVM) 


The sales executive unable to view and access their own enquiries and quotations 

What have we done? 

The user will be able to view and access their own enquires and quotations 

How does it look? 

Login with a sales executive user id 

Navigate to SR > Bulk vehicle quotation > select open > select search and the user will be able to view and access the enquiries and quotation. 


Low - Cosmetic change with no effect on existing process

Write Off functionality - Change calculation 


It has been requested to add the two parameters 'Stock value' and 'Adjusted stock value' radio buttons in Write down facility screen. 

It is asked calculate write down using the formula based on the selected parameters 'Stock value' or 'Adjusted stock value' 

What have we done? 

We have added two parameters 'Stock value' 'Adjusted stock value' radio buttons in write down facility screen. 

These parameters are only enable when the 'write down using age percentage' parameter is selected. 

When a 'Stock value' parameter is selected then the write down calculation using the formula is based on stock value. 

When a 'Adjusted stock value' parameter is selected then the write down calculation using the formula is based on Adjusted stock value. 

How does it look? 

Navigate to VSB>Miscellaneous Options>Write down facility. 

Two parameters 'Stock value' and 'Adjusted stock value' parameters are added. 

Provide some filters and click on 'Refresh' buttons to display the records 

Vehicle current stock value and adjusted stock value before process: 

If the parameter 'Adjusted stock value' is selected then the write down calculation using the formula is based on 'adjusted stock value' as below. 

Select the record and click on 'process' button then 'Adjusted stock value' is updated to a vehicle in VSB. 


Now if the 'Stock value' is selected then the 'Adjusted stock value' is updated based on 'Stock value' calculation. 



Low - Existing process unchanged, but new feature available