Dictionary Changes for Auckland City BMW
Autosports Group Needs to know when the dictionary changes as it affects their staging server and ODBC queries that are occurring
To see what dictionaries have changed and the fields, one way to do this is extracting all the dictionaries from the existing live pack & an upgraded UAT / Test system, or from another dealer who has received the updates.
Consultant Tasks
We can extract these as a report.
If you want to extract this to your clipboard.
Set your printer to LEFORM & your kclient preferences to clipboard
System Utilities / Autopack Utilities (Support Consultant Access only – kcc)
Click on each Module to select them
Now it will be in your clipboard (important you close and click exit to get it in your clipboard)
Paste this into Notepad++
So this should be done once on the live pack before the patching occurs
And secondly on their UAT Pack with the upcoming patches OR another BMW NZ dealer who has had the patches applied already
Put them both in different files in Notepadd++
Name them live.20240815.txt update20240815.txt
Send the two files to Autosports Group to complete the comparisan and make the required changes needed. Then when they advise the patch can be applied to their live system.
Dealership Tasks
Move one to the right tab
Now the customer can use the Compare Plugin in Notepad++ to compare the 2 files and see the changes.
However each file with have a different date and time stamp before each dictionary (Time the extract was generated)
In Notepad++ you can remove these lines
Use the find command
Searching for
^Global data.*\r?$
Replace with Blank
Note - make sure you are at the top of the file when you start the find / replace so that all are replaced.
Now run the Compare Plugin
Click in the left box
Then click in the right hand box
And select compare from the menu
This will take a little while to complete.
The differences will then be highlighted.
You can jump to the next difference using the shortcut ALT-PGDN
NOTE : If you needed to take the dictionaries from another BMW dealer’s site that had the update applied – the Balance Sheet pneumonics tables will differ, with different fields
Also another site may have different User Defined tables,or the existing site might not have User Defined Tables. eg MK.tarud / Mk.comud
Also note this is dictionaries that have changed, there is not a file for every dictionary that exists, as some are only created when a feature is added/activated, so some of these differences not be relevant.