1. Introduction

Marshall’s require the facility to complete service sheets using Mobile Mechanic.

Different types of service sheets exist for different vehicles and services, using the PDA  the engineer must be able to select the required service sheet type, complete it, and fax/email the completed sheet to the customer if required. 

Using standard POS, Head office must be able to review the service sheets created on the PDA, and fax/email them to the customer if required. 

  1. Process Information

    1. Summary of processes

      1. Service Sheet Setup

Allows the creation of multiple service sheet definitions.

Each service sheet may contain multiple items, split into different groups.


The service sheet header allows the following to be specified:

  • Service sheet code and description.
  • Applicable Franchise, Model, and Service model group.
  • Service sheet sub-types. (If required)
  • RTS code to be added to the POS wip.
  • Whether a certificate is required, and the valid period for certificate.
  • The format stationery to use when printing the service sheet.
  • Whether the customers and/or engineers signature is required
  • If a safety notice number should be recorded on a failure.
  • Whether the engineer is allowed to add additional items to the service sheet.
  • Valid condition codes.


For each condition code it is possible to specify:

  • Code and description.
  • Number of days follow-up for generated reminders.
  • If the part, or rts code linked to an item should be added to the wip.
  • Whether the engineer is allowed to fix the condition.
  • If this condition code means a failure for the service sheet.
  • Whether additional notes are mandatory.
  • If this is the default condition code.


Each item will require a response from the engineer of either:

  • Condition code.

Condition codes are set at the Service Sheet header level.

The engineer will be prompted to choose one.

  • Boolean (Tick) response.

The engineer will be presented with a tick box.

  • Text response.

The maximum length of text is specified on the item.

  • Numeric response.

An image for the numeric response is specified.

  • Date response.



  1. Creation of Service Sheets Using Mobile Device

From with a wip in Mobile Mechanic, a new menu option allows access to Service Sheets.


The user can select any existing service sheets which are linked to the current wip.


Or select ‘New’ to be given a choice of all available service sheet types that are applicable to the current wip.


The Service Sheet is displayed, and may be completed (once all items have been filled in), or saved in a partially completed state.


  1. Completion of Service Sheets

Once all items have been responded to, the option to complete the Service Sheet is enabled.


The user is then taken through a ‘wizard’ to complete the Service Sheet, prompting for additional notes, safety notice number, signatures, and email address or fax number as required.

The Service Sheet is saved, printed, a document archive record created, any reminders added to the wip, and the document faxed/emailed if requested.


  1. Update of Service Sheets Using Point-of-Sale

Within standard Point-of-Sale a new menu option allows access to any Service Sheets linked to the current wip.


Any existing Service Sheets are displayed, or  the user is able to create a new Service Sheet.


The Service Sheet details are displayed, and the Service Sheet may be amended or completed (if it is not already complete), faxed, emailed or printed.

Signature capture is not possible through standard Point-of-Sale.



  1. Process Flow

  1. Installation

    1. Installation Process Flow

  2. Install the MSRM product MS-X1-X1SRVSHEET and dependencies.
  3. Compile menus MS.X1MEN.ma and MS.X1SSH.ma.
  4. Compile formats MS.X1S.fs and Service Sheet print format.

  1. Installation Considerations

Ensure dependency Qa’s and MSRM products are in place.


  1. Setup

    1. File Creation and Parameters


On accessing the menu option ‘Setup service sheets’ from within MS, if the Service Sheet files do not exist for the selected POS company, the user is prompted  to create them.





The user is then prompted for the Service Sheet parameters for the POS company


The parameters can also be accessed from within the ‘Setup service sheets’ option.


The Service Sheet controls alows the next certificate number to be set.


  1. Document Archive

For the Service Sheets to be stored within document archive an archive type for Service sheets needs to be created.




The Archive parameters on the format stationery used for printing the service sheets needs to be set to the archive type.

  1. Pilot Notes (only applicable if developer involved with pilot)

CVS branch

Site Name

Site contact

Date installed


Marshall Thermoking

Alex Bright

12/01/2009 (ON TEST SYSTEM)












  1. Setup Service Sheets

The Service Sheets menu is accessed from with Manufacturer Systems company X1 (Aftersales).



On selecting ‘Setup service sheets’ the user will be prompted for the Point-of-Sale company (if more than one SO company exists).


The Service Sheets setup form has a tree control on the left-hand-side showing any existing Service sheets, which can be expanded to show any groups and items within the service sheet.



The details of the Service Sheet, Group, or Item selected within the tree control are displayed on the right-hand-side of the form.


  1. Creating a Service Sheet

Select ‘New Sheet’


Enter a unique Service Sheet code, a description and set applicable Franchise, Model and Service group if required.

Each Service Sheet must have a unique RTS code.


The RTS codes for the Service Sheets are setup in MS/00 ‘Standard RTS codes’.


Set the Service Sheet information.

‘Certificate required’ – if TRUE a unique certificate number (from Service Sheet controls) will be allocated to the Service Sheet on completion.

‘Frequency (weeks)’ – the number of weeks a certificate is valid for. A reminder notice will be generated for the next service sheet, with the follow-up date set to the current date plus the number of weeks.

‘FS format’ – the format stationery to use when printing the Service Sheet.

‘Signature required’ – whether the customer and/or technician’s signatures are required on completion.

‘Record safety notice’ – if TRUE, and any items on the Service Sheet are set to a ‘fail’ condition code, a safety notice certificate number will be prompted for.

‘Add additional items’ – whether the user is allowed to add additional items to the Service Sheet. 


A Service Sheet may have ‘sub-types’ defined. To create sub-types, right-click on the ‘Sheet Types’ grid and select ‘Add’.


Enter the sub-type code and description and select ‘Confirm’.


To create condition codes to be used on the Service Sheet, right-click on the ‘Condition Codes’ grid and select ‘Add’.


Specify a unique code, and description.

‘Add to wip’ – if the item is set to this condition code add any associated part, menu, or RTS code to the wip.

‘Failure condition’ – any item on the Service Sheet at a condition code set as a ‘failure’ set the failure flag on the Service Sheet header. A safety notice number will be prompted for if set.

‘Force notes entry’ – force the user to enter additional notes against the item.

‘Followup days’- used to set the follow-up date when creating reminder notices for the item.

‘Prompt to fix’ – allow the user the ‘fix’ the item instead of generating a reminder notice.

‘Set as default’ – use as the default condition code.






The ‘ticks’ against the different condition codes may be set by left-clicking  in the corresponding cell of the ‘Condition Codes’ grid.


Select ‘Save’ to store the changes to the Service Sheet header, or ‘Cancel’ to abandon the changes.


Any changes to condition codes or sheet sub-types are only saved when the Service Sheet header is saved.



  1. Creating a Group

Select the Service Sheet within the tree control, select ‘New Group’.


Enter the group short name, and description, and select ‘Save’.


Groups may be created within other groups by selecting a group on the tree control, and then selecting ‘New Group’.



  1. Creating a Service Sheet Item

Select the Service Sheet or group within the tree control, and select ‘New Item’.


Enter the short name and description for the new item and select the response type required.

Service sheet response types may be either:

  • Condition Code.
  • Yes/No (tick) (or ‘boolean’).
  • Text response
  • Numeric response
  • Date response


  1. Condition Code Item

Select response type of ‘Condition code’.



Select product type (or ‘None’).


Enter the product code (part number, RTS code, or menu code) if required.


The selected part, RTS code or menu will be added to the wip if a condition code with ‘add to wip’ set is selected.


  1. Boolean Response Item

Select response type of ‘Yes/No (tick)’.

The user will be presented with a ‘tick’ box for the response.

It is not possible to link parts, RTS codes, or menus to Boolean response types.


  1. Text Response Item

Select response type of ‘Condition code’.



Enter the number of characters for the required response.

The user will be presented with a text box sized for the number of characters entered. (Maximum of 40 characters.)

It is not possible to link parts, RTS codes, or menus to text response types.


  1. Numeric Response Item

Select response type of ‘Numeric response’.



Enter the image for the required response.

The user will be presented with a edit box sized for the response image. (Maximum image is -####.###)

It is not possible to link parts, RTS codes, or menus to numeric response types.


  1. Date Response Item

Select response type of ‘Date response’.



The user will be presented with a date edit box.

It is not possible to link parts, RTS codes, or menus to date response types.


  1. Deleting a Service Sheet, Group or Item

Select the Service Sheet, group or item in the tree control, and select ‘Delete’.


If the selected group or items has other groups/items under it these will also be deleted.


Deleting a Service Sheet will delete all groups, items, condition codes and sub-types associated with it.



  1. Cloning a Service Sheet

Select the Service Sheet to be cloned in the tree control, select ‘Tools/Clone’.


Enter a unique code for the Service Sheet, description, and unique RTS code.


The original Service Sheet with all items, condition codes, and sub-types will be cloned to the new Service Sheet.


  1. Re-sequencing a Service Sheet

Select the required Service Sheet or group in the tree control, and select ‘Tools/Resequence’.


‘Left-click’ the items in order required.

Refresh updates the display the order set.

Reset sequence clears the items set, and resets the count to one.


  1. Standard Texts Setup

To reduce the amount of typing required on the PDA, ‘Standard Texts’ for the item notes my be defined. Select ‘Tools/Standard texts’.


‘Right-click’ on the Standard Texts grid, and select ‘New’, ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’, or use select the required line and use the tool-bar.


Standard texts may be filtered by Service Sheet, Item, Franchise, Model, or Service group.

  1. Service Sheet Parameters

To change the Service Sheet Parameters, select ‘Tools/Parameters’.


‘Text RTS code’ is the RTS code used to add text lines to the wip.

‘Dummy printer’, a dummy printer used to prevent printing when using the PDA.

‘POS printer’, printer to use when printing Service Sheets from Point-of-Sale.

‘FAX printer’, the forms fax queue printer, used when faxing the Service Sheet.

‘Email printer’, the email queue printer, used when sending the sheet via email.



  1. Service Sheet Controls



Sets the next certificate number to be used.


The following number will be allocated to a Service Sheet on completion if ‘Certificate required’ is set.



  1. Access to Service Sheets from Mobile Mechanic

A new menu option has been added to the Job menu in Mobile mechanic when in a WIP. ‘Job/Service sheets’.


  1. Creating a WIP

Create a WIP, and assign to a technician.

The RTS code of any Service Sheet required may be added to the WIP.


  1. Creating or Amending a Service Sheet

From within the WIP in Mobile mechanic, select ‘Job/Service sheets’.


Any previous Service Sheets are listed, together with any added to the WIP.

Select the required Service Sheet, or ‘New’.


Selecting ‘New’ lists any Service Sheet applicable to the current WIP.


If the Service Sheet has ‘sub-types’ defined, the user is prompted for the required ‘sub-type’.


The groups within the Service Sheet may be expanded to show individual items.

Any incomplete items are shown with a warning symbol.

Any completed items are shown with the responses against them. 


  1. Service Sheet Items

To amend an item on a Service sheet, either select the group, or item.



Selecting a group, allows the user to amend the items in a group, using the ‘Next’ button to advance to the following item. The current item within the group, and the number of items is shown in the title bar.

If ‘Damaged’ is ticked, the field DAMAGED is set to ‘Y’ on the service sheet line.

If ‘Fix’ is NOT ticked any associated Part or RTS code is added to the WIP as a reminder notice.


When the last item in the group is reached, the user is returned to the Service Sheet.


On each item there is a ‘text’ button to allow the user to add any notes against an individual item.



If ‘Standard texts’ are defined, and applicable to this item, there is a menu option to allow the user to select them.


Select the required ‘Standard Texts’ to populate the item notes.


The standard text may be modified in the item notes.

Selecting ‘Add text to wip’ will create a text line on the WIP with the entered notes.

If the item has an associated RTS code which is added to the WIP, the notes will be saved on this line, and a separate text line will not be created.



When a Service sheet is saved, or completed, the RTS code of the Service Sheet is added to the WIP (if it doesn’t already exist), along with any parts, RTS codes, menus or text from the Service Sheet items.


  1. Additional Items

If ‘Add additional items’ is enabled on the Service Sheet header, the user can add extra items to the service sheet by selecting ‘Add’.


Enter a description, and condition code.

Notes are mandatory for additional items.


A new group of ‘Additional items’ is created at the end of the Service Sheet.


  1. Completing a Service Sheet

When all items on a Service Sheet have been responded to, the option to complete the Service Sheet will be enabled.


The user is taken through a wizard to complete the Service Sheet, prompting for any additional notes against the sheet header.

These are stored on the RTS code for the Service sheet.

The customer and technicians signatures. (If set as required on the Service Sheet header.)


The address to fax or email the Service sheet to (if required).


If any of the Service Sheet items are set to a condition code set as a ‘failure condition’, and the Service sheet is set as requiring a ‘Safety notice’, a safety notice number will be prompted for.


The Service Sheet is shown as completed in the list of previous sheets.


Completed Service Sheets may be reviewed on the PDA, but items and notes may not be amended.





  1. Access to Service Sheets from Point-of-Sale

Within Point-of-Sale a new menu option has been added ‘Links/Service sheets’.


Any existing Service Sheets, or Service Sheets associated to RTS codes added to the WIP are displayed.

Selecting the ‘document’ symbol against a completed Service Sheet allows the user to display/re-print the Service Sheet from document archive (if archiving is set up).


‘Print Sheet’ allows the user to print, email or fax the service sheet.


  1. Creating or Amending a Service Sheet

From within a WIP in Point-of-Sale, select ‘Links/Service sheets’.


Any previous Service Sheets are listed, together with any added to the WIP.

Select the required Service Sheet, or ‘New’.



Selecting ‘New’ lists any Service Sheet applicable to the current WIP.


If the Service Sheet has ‘sub-types’ defined, the user is prompted for the required ‘sub-type’.


The header information for the Service Sheet is shown on three tabs, ‘Header’, ‘Other’ and ‘Notes’.


When a sheet has been completed, the ‘Other’ tab displays where the sheet was emailed or faxed to on completion.


If the sheet is not completed, or was not emailed or faxed on completion this is not displayed.


The ‘Notes’ tab allows additional notes to be added at the header level.



The groups within the Service Sheet may be expanded to show individual items.

Any incomplete items are shown with a warning symbol.

Any completed items are shown with the responses against them. 



  1. Service Sheet Items

To amend an item on a Service sheet, select the required item and ‘Open’.


Complete the Service Sheet item and add any notes.


If ‘Standard texts’ are defined, and applicable to this item, there is a menu option to allow the user to select them.



Select the required ‘Standard Texts’ to populate the item notes.


The standard text may be modified in the item notes.

Selecting ‘Add text to wip’ will create a text line on the WIP with the entered notes.

If the item has an associated RTS code which is added to the WIP, the notes will be saved on this line, and a separate text line will not be created.

When a Service sheet is saved, or completed, the RTS code of the Service Sheet is added to the WIP (if it doesn’t already exist), along with any parts, RTS codes, menus or text from the Service Sheet items.


  1. Additional Items

If ‘Add additional items’ is enabled on the Service Sheet header, the user can add extra items to the service sheet by selecting ‘Add’.



Enter a description, and condition code.

Notes are mandatory for additional items.


A new group of ‘Additional items’ is created at the end of the Service Sheet.


  1. Completing a Service Sheet

When all items on a Service Sheet have been responded to, the option to complete the Service Sheet will be enabled.


The user is prompted for the customer name, technician name, and fax or email address to send the Service Sheet to.

If any of the Service Sheet items are set to a condition code set as a ‘failure condition’, and the Service sheet is set as requiring a ‘Safety notice’, a safety notice number will be prompted for.

Signature capture is not possible through Point-of-Sale




The Service Sheet is shown as completed in the list of previous sheets.


Completed Service Sheets may be reviewed, but items and notes may not be amended.






  1. Printing Service Sheets

When a Service Sheet is completed it may be emailed or faxed to the customer, and is printed to either the ‘FAX printer’ or ‘Email printer’ from the Service Sheet parameters.

At this point if ‘None’ is selected it is printed to the ‘Dummy printer’ defined in the parameters.


A Service Sheet can also be printed from Point-of-Sale using the ‘Print Sheet’ button.


The user is given the choice of ‘Print Service Sheet’, ‘Fax Service Sheet’ or ‘Email Service Sheet’

If Print is selected the Service Sheet is printed to the ‘POS printer’ from the Service Sheet parameters.

If Fax or Email is selected it will be sent to the ‘FAX printer’ or ‘Email printer’ from the parameters.


  1. Format Stationery

To enable Service Sheet items to be printed in two columns on format stationery, when a sheet is printed it uses two formats.

The first format ‘MS.X1S.fs’ is used to set the format of the different Item types.

It has no header or trailer, and contains a line type for each item type.








The second format is specified in the header details of the Service Sheet definition, and contains the header and trailer sections to be printed, together with the item lines, defect summary and additional items.


When a Service Sheet is printed, the items are printed to a dummy dictionary, ‘X1.MS.ssprn’ by the first format. This dictionary contains a single field PRINTTXT with two occurrences.

The second format then uses these two occurrences to print the two columns.


When the format is printed, the sequence to print the items is based on the number of lines in the body of the second format, so for a format with 32 lines in the body, and a Service Sheet with 60 items, the first line would contain item 1 and item 33. The second line item 2 and 34, etc.




  1. Document Archive

A document archive type for Service sheets needs to be created.