The Process is normally done by Sime Darby IT, but if they request Systime to do, follow the process

The email will come with following 4 files and looks like this


VGA often send files in different layouts; 4 files are required in total.

  • 1x Volvo Price File
  • 1x Mack and Renault Price File
  • 1x Volvo Exchange / Core link File
  • 1x Mack Exchange / Core link File

Price files must be saved as .csv format in the C:\rev8Work folder with the below columns.
 Format the price columns as a Number to remove the $. (See attached example files).

Mack and Renault Parts should be in the same file (Company Code 5 & 6 – Column C).

Volvo Parts in a separate file (Company Code 3 – Column C).

NZ Overriding price in ‘Column H’ will not be considered during the update. Create formula to use the price from ‘Column H’ if present, otherwise, use the price in ‘Column I’. =IF(H2="",I2,H2)
Copy the new column and Paste as Values to overwrite ‘Column I’.

As discussed with Aaron Skinner on 05/07/2021, Renault parts have never been updated from the Price File – These are not required to be updated.

Core Link files must be saved as .csv format in the c:\rev8Work folder with the below columns (See attached example files).

Exchange Part Number in column A, and the CORE Part Number in Column B.

Example Price & Core Link Files attached at the bottom

Above files are attached at the bottom

Autoline Process: (Ensure to test this in the TEST pack first).

Once the files have been saved in the H:\Rev8Work folder, these need to be uploaded into Autoline.

Navigate to Manufacturer Systems > V1. Volvo Truck & Bus – Importer > Price File Menu > Automatic Price File update.

Ensure ‘1_FULL’ is selected when uploading the Price File and click on the green tick.

A file selection window will appear, navigate to the H:/Rev8Work folder and select the Price File:

This will import into Autoline and show a log of how many records were created / updated.

Now change the option to ‘2_EXCHANGE’ and import the CORE Link file.

Repeat the above process for Mack under Manufacturer Systems > M4. Mack Truck – Importer > Price File Menu > Automatic Price File update.

Once complete, we need to update the stock file for the changes to show in Stock management.

Run the ‘Update Stock from Price File’ for both ‘V1. Volvo Truck & Bus – Importer’ and ‘M4. Mack Truck – Importer’ with the below options (Uncheck all other options):

  • Select Company 01
  • STDCOST – Standard cost
  • SALECODE – Sales code

Check some stock records to ensure the Standard Cost and Sales Code are correct.
 An update report will automatically update branch stock file pricing based off the PDC.

NOTE: LIST price is not affected by the Price File Update – to update LIST prices, a file must be provided to Systime with Part number in Column A and New LIST price in column B to ASCII import.
This list must be generated from an AdHoc or Autoline report after the price file has been updated.

Renault Parts are 11 Digits long (Including the ‘R’ prefix). Ensure to add the leading Zeros if new RRP prices are calculated from a price file.

Some Mack parts are using the Volvo Pre-Fix and vice versa, if price increase is not done directly from the stock file, we must cross reference the Stock File with the Price File to ensure the correct Pre-fix is updated.

The file should include the Franchise Pre-Fix on the part number in Column A, and the new LIST price in Column B.

Above file attached at the bottom 

For the dealer pricing to be updated on the WEB Portal, Dealer Price Files need to be generated and sent to Systime to upload.
To create these files, navigate to Manufacturer Systems > V1. Volvo Truck and Bus – Importer >  Price File Menu > Create VB Price File and click OK. 

This same process should be carried out for Mack also, navigate to Manufacturer Systems > M4. Mack Truck – Importer >   Price File Menu > Create MV Price File.

NOTE: The PVB & PMV reports run daily in Timed Ops to keep the Dealer Price Files up to date.