When a customer uses service online (SOL) for the first time, the customer that is created in Digital Marketing (DM) needs to be linked to a CRM record, or a new CRM record needs to be created if the customer (or vehicle) does not exist.
There are parameters set up for the weighting of the customers shown in the CRM list. The weighting is from 1 to 10, with 10 being an exact match. The weighting will depend on what information is collected and sent to Autoline in the digital marketing area when a SOL customer is created.
With vehicle records, the matching is carried out on the VIN, Registration and vehicle description. The word search percentage will affect vehicles shown in the vehicle CRM matcher.
There is also a parameter to automatically match and create customers. When using this parameter for automatic creation, the system will create the CRM record with as much or as little information that is collected when the customer registers for SOL. Generally, only basic information is collected from the customer when they are creating a log in to make it an easy process, with automatic creation for CRM records, only the information collected can be populated in to the CRM record. These records will be incomplete by standard CRM terms, so for this reason you may not want to use the automatic creation.
The customer matching is in Manufacturer Systems > DM > CRM Utilities > SO Customer Management.
If no customers are showing in the Unmatched and Matched Records tab, then click on the Load All Records and the bottom of the tabs.
The Unmatched Records tab shows the customers that require matching in CRM.
With the Experieco app of booking directly from the dealer website then a number of customers may require matching in the CRM customer matching even if automatic matching is set in the parameters. These will need to be manually matched as per the details below.
Matching customers
When clicking on the customers name, CRM will be searched for any likely matches. If the customer cannot be matched to any existing CRM records, a message will display on screen advising there are no matches.
If there are any possible matches, then these will display near the top of the screen in the CRM word match results area.
If there are no customers displayed or a match can’t be found in the list, then click on the Customer matching > Create Customer, then the rooftop/location required.
Answer Yes to create the customer
You will be advised that the customer record has been created in the system.
If there is a match to a CRM record in the system:
Click on Customer matching > Link customer.
Answer Yes to link the customer to the CRM record
Click on OK once they are linked.
The Update DMS customer screen will display.
This screen gives you to opportunity to update any of the information sent from the SOL customer on to the CRM record. If you do not want to update any of the information, then click on Exit.
If there is information you do want to update, click on the Key icon in the Update column. The key will change to a green arrow indicating it will update this information on the CRM record. Click on Save and then Exit.
Linking the vehicle record
If you are taken to the vehicle record or you are creating/linking from the unmatched vehicles, then the process is the same as creating/linking a customer record.
When there are no matches, click on OK.
Click on Vehicle matching > Create vehicle and select the location to create the vehicle for.
Click Yes to create the new CRM record.
Select the Branch the record is for if prompted.
Click OK once advised the vehicle has been created.
If there is a match showing in the CRM work match results. Click on Vehicle matching > Link vehicle.
Click Yes to link the vehicle records.
Click on Exit to accept what is showing on screen.
If you want to copy anything from the SOL data to update to the right side of the CRM data, then click on the key icon in the Update column. This will change to a green arrow, and then click on Save then Exit.
Click on OK once the vehicle has been updated as below to return to the CRM matcher program.