1. Set the Smart Trade number of the accounts
Go to Sales Ledger > Add/Modify Account > Smart Trade tab.
- Tick Enabled
- Enter the Smart Trade number
- Enter the Date Created
This can be uploaded in bulk by Systime (ZZ.MS.slacc ) but chargeable.
2. Create a category code for Trade Sales if it doesn't exist
3. Set the account's category code to Trade
4. The extract parameters will be set-up by Systime. Advise the consultant which layout to use. STANDARD or EXTENDED. File is in .csv format
STANDARD format - This extract shows total per franchise.
EXTENDED format - In the Extended format, there is a column for each brand name to show the payment status of the line either Y(Paid), N(Not Paid). There are also extension details displayed for each line transaction such as Invoice Date, SKU(Part No), Description(Part desc).
5. To run the extract manually, go to MS/ZZ. Double-click Get Genuine extract.
Select POS company if prompted.
Enter the date range. Then click Export.
Click Continue
When extract is completed, the file is created in C:\rev8work. You can then review and send to Smart Trade.
The extract can also be run in Timed Operations.
Internal Notes:
* For more details refer to SAS-5108 & SAS-8544
* For set-up, refer to the internal KB.