Financial Controllers Meetup + Autoline Enhancements - 23 February 2023 9:15 AM

Hi there, 


COVID, inflation, now a flurry of natural disasters — it's been a rough start to the year. Despite these challenges, we remain optimistic for 2023 and want to do everything in our power to ensure you experience success.
This year we're focusing on building on not only our products, but also our community. To start this journey we're hosting our first ever virtual meetup event. The idea came about from our user group sessions, where participants told us they learned a lot from one another.
We want to expand on this community and provide a platform where you can learn from others in your field. Our friends at Ebbett and Farmer Autovillage will be your guides.
While this event is for finance professionals, we plan on hosting more meetups for other departments later this year. We hope these events, and our ongoing Autoline enhancements, help make your lives easier in these trying times.
Nga mihi,
james signature.pdf

James Chang

GM - Product and Growth, Auxo Software


What's coming up?

Financial Controllers Virtual Meetup

Glean insider tips on how to best use Autoline

Highlights from Autoline Iteration 32

See what's new in Autoline

Calling all Financial Controllers - Join us at our virtual meetup ?


Hosted by Autoline super users Gwen Woodney and Helen Tanner of Farmer Autovillage as well as Dylan Jordan and Simon Rose from Ebbett, this is a rare opportunity to learn, network, and get the most out of Autoline. 
Find out how Farmer Autovillage and Ebbett maximise the benefits of Autoline's Streamline and PaperTrail invoicing integrations. Get a front-row seat to their tips and tricks and have the chance to ask questions and share ideas.

What: Financial Controllers Virtual Meet-Up

When: Wednesday, 8th March 1:00pm - 2:00pm NZST 

Where: A Microsoft Teams meeting link will be sent to you once you RSVP via the link below. 

Highlights from Autoline Iteration 32


Aftersales - Easily print clocking records


Here's something that'll prove really helpful for warranty audits - you can now print clocking records from the summary and detail tabs when looking at a labour line on a WIP. 

clocking printing

Aftersales - Record all vehicle damage 


Record any damage to a customer vehicle (existing or otherwise) and save it within the WIP! From the Tools menu select the Vehicle damage option, then enter any defects you see by clicking on the corresponding part of the car pictured. 

POS Vehicle Damage

CRM - Important customer info displayed on main screen


Hate searching for information you wish would just display on the main POS screen? We've got you covered. Find main company, customer or vehicle notes easily on the POS screen without the need to dive in deeper. Contact the support team to have this activated on your system. 




  • POS Hide/Show deleted lines on WIP
  • Australia POS WIP Labour Text lines increased to 100 lines for line type Technician & Customer
  • Increased Part Description Displayed length on Parts Searching from 22 to 30 characters
  • POS Payment/deposit grid - added Payment Date & Invoice Number
  • New parameter to change the WIP status of Backordered Parts to P instead of R
  • POS Invoices when emailed now also include the Sales Ledger Account in the subject

And more! View full release notes through the link below ?