• Save and rename the price file
• Import Data
• Update Price File
• Update Stock from Price File
1. The manufacturer may supply the BYD Price file in various formats.
The best file to use for importing into Autoline is the .CS1 format.
Save the file in the folder C:\rev8work as bydprice.csv
2. Import and run the Generic Price File
Go to Manufacturer Systems - 00, Parts Price File Menu, Generic Price File Import.
Select the Franchise BYD from the dropdown. Click on Import Data
3. Click on Update Price File
Click OK
It is possible that there can be import errors as per the example below. In this case, make a note of the error and select skip. Errors should be reported back to the supplier for them to correct in their file.
When you are happy with the price file, update the stock file in MS/00 Parts Price File Menu
Select the Franchise that you are updating. In this case, BYD. Click OK.
Select the applicable companies to update.
*** Internal Notes:
Below is the Price File Layout for BYD. For more details refer to SAS-7649
Mapping from csv to MS/00 price to SM.stock