Updated on 18/08/2022:
The Hyundai Recall Campaign file is now loaded and updated daily on to an FTP location (ticket #213366 / SAS-7568)
It used to be sent directly by Hyundai to the customers as an excel file. The customer then used to convert the file to csv and import it manually.
*** NOTE: For Systime consultant, FTP details of where to download the files can be found in the separate internal KB article for Hyundai NZ Recall Campaign
The Import and Conversion of the Recall file is now happening automatically in Timed Operation for dealers who requested it. But the file can also be imported and processed manually direct from the FTP location if required.
Importing the Campaign File manually
The Recall file is now in csv format. The first four columns are in the following order. The remaining columns are not used and it does not matter what they are.
a. Campaign number
b. Campaign description
c. Registration number
d. VIN/Chassis
The first row must be blank. The filename in the FTP location is Hyundairecalls.csv.
From the menu option
Manufacture systems/Hyundai > Hyundai Recall Campaigns > Import service recall file
Choose a Hyundai POS company if presented with a list.
Select the import button
Converting the Campaign file
From the same menu option as above take the Convert option.
A preview of the data that is going to be imported will be given.
Tick Update recalls with vehicle registration number from CRM if you want the registration number in the campaign file to be updated.
If it looks correct and valid then you can complete the conversion by selecting the Convert option.
Once the conversion is complete the process is finished. The new campaigns will be available immediately in POS. If required the Summary button will show the number of campaigns created.
The file imported is a complete list of outstanding recalls, so the MI.MS.rcveh file is initialised each time before the file is imported.
Recall Campaign in POS
In POS, when a vehicle with recall campaign is loaded on a WIP, a case file showing the outstanding recall campaign will be displayed.
The Recall Campaign screen will pop-up. Tick Load then click the Load button. A RECALL RTS line will be loaded on the WIP.