

Workshop loading  Miscellaneous options  Adjust clockings

1.    Select the Technician 

2.    Enter the Date 

3.    Click on the Load button

figure 1 – Clocking Adjustments screen

Figure 1 shows Adam Wiggans’ clocking information for April 19th.

I.    The technician actually reported for duty at 7:30am, but only clocked on at 8:06am. Need to adjust the clocking accordingly.


1.    Select the line you want to make the change to and click Amend

2.    Change the time in from 8:06 to 7:30 (see figure 2). Time is entered in hours and minutes and is in 24hour clock format.

3.    Rest of the screen options remain unchanged so just click through the other screen.

4.    The system deletes the line amended (highlighted in RED) and creates a new line (highlighted in YELLOW) 

(see figure 3)

figure 2 – Amend Clocking Entry

figure 3 – Clocking Adjustments screen after the amendment has been done.

II. Tech ADAMW worked on WIP 40520 from 2:46pm to 3:00pm and then worked on WIP 40607 from 3:00pm to 4:51pm. However, Technician continued to clock on to WIP 40520 till 3:42pm when he switched to WIP 40607 at 3:42pm (see figure 4). The clocking will need to be adjusted accordingly.

figure 4 – Clocking Adjustments screen

This would involve 2 processes: 

1.    Change the time clocked off from WIP 40520 from 3:42pm to 3:00pm 

2.    Change the start time for WIP 40607 from 3:42pm to 3:00pm

1.    Change the time clocked off from WIP 40520 3:42pm to 3:00pm

a)    Select the technician, date and click on the Load button

b)    Click on the line which needs to be amended. In this case the 2nd line from bottom (figure 4)

c)    Click through the options till you come to the time out box (see figure 5) and input 15:00. That is when the technician actual clocked off WIP 40520 (see figure 6 - show the new times on WIP 40520 clocked on at 2:46pm and clock off the WIP at 3:00pm. 

d)    The system deletes the line amended (highlighted in RED) and creates a new line (highlighted in YELLOW)

2.    Change the time start for WIP 40607 from 3:42pm to 3:00pm

a)    Select the technician, date and click on the Load button

b)    Click on the line which needs to be amended. In this case the 1st line from bottom (figure 4)

c)    Click through the options till you come to the Time In box (figure 7) and input 15:00. That is when the technician actual clocked on WIP 40607 (see figure 8 - show the new times on WIP 40607 clocked on at 3:00pm)

 d)    The system deletes the line amended (highlighted in RED) and creates a new line (highlighted in YELLOW)

figure 5 – Amend Clocking Entry screen

figure 6 – Clocking Adjustments screen

figure 7 – Amend Clocking Entry screen

figure 8 – Clocking Adjustments screen

III.     Technician clocked on to more than one line on WIP no 10369. Need to transfer the clocking on to one line so that the user can then use the Convert to Miscellaneous Lines option to transfer times on to the relevant RTS codes (see figure 9).

The User will need to go through the Adjust Clocking option and delete the clocking on all the lines and recreate the clocking on one line only.


1.    Note the technician who has clocked on the WIP and the dates (this can be done by accessing the WIP, clicking on the labour operation and then clicking on the clocking button - see figure 10). 

2.    Access the adjust clocking option in Workshop Loading menu 

3.    Load the technician and the dates he clocked on the WIP (see figure 11).

4.    Delete the clocking (select the first line of the WIP and click Delete button). 

5.    Position the cursor above the deleted clocking records 

6.    Click on Insert button to insert a new line and ensure the correct clock on and off time are entered for just one line (figure 12)

7.    Save the new clocking entries. This will update the time taken on to one line on the WIP and on all other lines the status will be set to booked.

figure 9 – Point of sales screen, tech clocks on to more than one line

figure 10 – Clock History screen in point of sales labour details screen

figure 11 – Clocking Adjustments screen WIP 10369 has 3 lines set to completed


figure 12 – Create Clocking Entry screen