When is it happening?
Tuesday 24th August 2021 6pm. The Autoline system will be locked for access
How long is it expected to take?
4 hours to migrate all the data
What do I need to do to be prepared?
You should have attempted connection to the new server.
The new server is accessible on
After Tuesday night the server will be accessible via the existing name used for the current Autoline server
What do I need to check in advance?
To make sure you will be able to connect in advance your Kclient icon should be using the name autoline.bmw.co.nz NOT
Your kclient connection to Autoline should already be using the name autoline.bmw.co.nz for the connection. NOT the IP number ( if this isn’t changed now then when the cutover occurs your Kclient won’t automatically be pointing to the new server and you would need to manually change the server connection address to autoline.bmw.co.nz )
To access the setting you should right-click on your kclient icon on the desktop and select the properties option
Then select the Connection Tab
If you don’t have the connection tab you maybe be using a shortcut to the original application icon.
In this case you will need to select Open File Location
Then right click on the icon that directs you to and find the properties tab.
What will my new password be in on the server?
Existing Autoline usernames will remain the same, but current Autoline passwords are unable to be copied across from the existing Autoline server. We have set each staff member up with a temporary password, comprised of their username, with the additional characters !@12 appended to the end
Login: jbloggs8
Password: jbloggs8!@12
The first time you login to Autoline you will be prompted to change your password as per BMW security guidelines.
The password requirements going forward are
A minimum of 10 characters
The 10 characters must include at least 2 numbers
The 10 characters must include at least 2 special characters (non alphanumeric – not a letter or a number- examples are ~!@#$%^&*()[]\{}|;:’”,.<>/?)
To action this, dealership staff should click on this URL: http://autolinetest.bmw.co.nz:790/
A screen will appear as below. Staff should click the link for their dealership and they will then be prompted to login and set their new password. Their existing password will continue working on the existing server right up until cutover