Creating, following up and closing a contact

Creating a contact

To create a contact for a customer you first need to go to the customers record by either typing the name in the ‘Find record’ field or by clicking on the … button to launch the search. 

Enter the name in the search bar and select the customer from the Search results pane, click Load to continue. 

Click on Continue on the case file break screen should it appear. 

You can now see the Customer record which contains details about the requested customer. You can review existing contact in the summary view.

Clicking on the Contact icon 

 will open the New Contact screen. 

Fill in the relevant Contact Details see table for further details.

DepartmentDepartment for which the contact is for. 
CodeThe contact type group.
DescriptionDescription is a text field where you can enter more details about the contact. 
ActionThis is a non-editable field and relates to the way the contact has been setup. This will inform you if there are other actions required.
ExecutiveThe is the executive with whom the contact has been made. this can be edited with the ellipsis button (... ). 
BranchRelates to the executive
OriginRelates to where the contact originated from. Select from dropdown list. 
StrengthThis is a measure of how important the contact is considered. Select from dropdown list.
VehicleEnter a vehicle should it be required. Clicking on the ellipsis will display a list of vehicles linked to the customer. 

Enter the follow-up details in the Followup details tab. 

Field Description
ExecutiveThe executive who will be responsible for following up the contact. You can choose a different executive using the ellipsis button
DateThe date on which the contact should be followed up.
TimeThe time at which the contact should be followed up.
GroupThe contains the contact type code used to follow up the contact.
CodeThis is the contact type code that should be used when following up the contact.

Click on the Best time icon to show the best time. 

Note: The best time icon will display as 

 if there is no best time information loaded against the customer. If this information has been loaded against the customer, it will display as 

The executive's diary display on the right will show the executives diary for the date indicated in the Date field opposite. 

Clicking on the save icon 

 in the tool bar will save the contact, add the contact to the executive's diary and return you to the summary screen where you will now see the new contact in the Summary view


The executive can view the contact in their diary.  This can be viewed under My CRM > My Tasks.

Following up or Closing a contact

You can see all your contacts in ‘My CRM’ under ‘My Tasks’. Clicking on the Show day icon you will see all overdue contacts. Clicking on Show week will show upcoming contacts for the current week, you can navigate upcoming or previous weeks and months as well as going to a specific date using the navigation option.

Clicking on the contact in the Diary will bring you back to the customer page with the contact summary view click on the contact in the summary view to open it. 

From here you can either add another contact for follow-up or you can close the contact. 

For further follow-up click on the Follow-up icon 

on the tool bar and repeat the process as described above. 

If no further follow-up is required, click on the Close contact icon 

on the tool bar. 

Enter details in the Description field. Tab off description box, click on Close in the tool bar. 

This will add a closed contact to the customers contact summary.