This setup allows for full stock control over Oil Products

Below is some basic information regarding setting up Service Oil Stock as Parts Stock.

Normally oil is setup within Service as a RTS Code.  While this allows oil to be charged out, it does not allow for Stock Control, ie how much is in stock at any one time


An Oil part is setup very similar to any other part with the following exception

  • The oil parts must be in their own Franchise, Product Group and Supplier Code,  and have a Bin Location for Stock Checking purposes
  • Setup Reorder Categories for the Oil Franchise
  • Setup Discount Tables for the Oil Franchise
  • Tick the Decimal Quantity flag in each Oil Stock record to allow for part unit sales, ie 4.5 litres
  • Set the Parts Posting Tables for the Oil Franchise to post to the correct Stock, Sale and COS accounts.  Oil usually posts to Service accounts
  • If the Oil Sales are to be allowed by Service Advisors, set the Franchise Control in each Advisors Terminal record to include this franchise, ie if O was the Franchise letter, set as =O
  • If the Oil Sales are to be blocked so the Parts Department cannot sell this product, set the Franchise Control in each Parts Terminal record to exclude this franchise, ie if O was the Franchise letter, set as !O


Create a Purchase Order for the oil product and Receive in the stock through Purchase Control.  Special setup may be required if the Oil is purchased in drums, ie 1 x 200 litres but sold in units, ie 200 x 1 litre.  (Contact Systime Support for more information on this setup)


Oil is sold onto Service Wips through the Point of Sale screen, New Product field.

Stock Checking

The Oil Franchise may be Stock Checked through the Parts Stock checking program either by Bin Range or by Franchise

Note: if any Oil is written off through a Stock Check, the write-off will post to the Parts Write-off account.  This may be journaled to another account if required.