The Price file is received by the dealers directly from the manufacturer. The file is usually in .xlsx format and the file layout could be different from time to time.
Before importing, open the file in MS Excel and ensure it is in the correct layout. It's an important step to prevent error while importing the file. If the format is not the same as below, ask Kia to re-send the file in the correct format.
Col A - Item Number = Part Number
Col B - Item Number New = New Superseded Part Number
Col C - Description = Part Number Description
Col D - Dealer ex. GST = Dealer Purchase Price excluding GST
Col E - Trade ex. GST = Trade Price excluding GST
Col F - Retail ex. GST = Recommended Retail Price excluding GST
Col G- Item Group = Product Group
Save the file as .xls (NOT .xlsx) in C:\rev8work.
Go to Manufacturer Systems / KM > Parts Price File Menu > Automatic Price File Update. Click on the Tick box to run the Full Price File Update. This may take a while depending on how big the file is.
Select the price file to be imported.
The system will automatically run the price update.
When you exit the screen, the Update Stock file will automatically run. If it doesn’t, you can manually run it in Manufacturer Systems / KM > Parts Price File Menu
* Edit (ST) 09/10/2023 - Format of price file has changed. Updated the procedure to include steps to ensure the format is correct before importing the file.
* Edit (ST) 10/11/2023 - based on new format (ref: SAS-8383)