This routine gives you the ability to auto reconcile the bank statement with the corresponding bank account transactions within Autoline.
NL>NL Bank & Currency Options>Import & Reconcile Statement
Select your banks format and file name of the downloaded bank statement file and take Import:
Your transactions from your downloaded bank file load.
Choose the appropriate Autoline Bank account number, enter a cut off date if desired and select Load to bring through the unreconciled Autoline transactions.
Take "Auto Reconcile"
Auto Reconciling
The programme will find probable matches based on reference, amount and posting date, all matches found will be highlighted in green.
Take "Process" to reconcile what has matched or continue manually reconciling the bank statement for transactions that did not find a match.
Manually reconciling transactions
1) For transactions that exist however they were not picked up by auto reconcile eg reference numbers may not have matched.
Manually select to reconcile by right clicking and selecting reconcile on both the Autoline transaction and the imported transaction. The transactions will be flagged as "R" for reconciled and highlighted yellow.
2) Insert a journal to create a missing transaction, this will code the other side to a pre determined clearing account for the transaction to be dealt with later.
Right click on the import transaction and take "Insert Journal". A journal screen will be presented, update references as required and take post.
The import transaction will now show with a "C" status.
Select the transaction you have just created under the Autoline transactions, right click and select "R".
Right click the import transaction and select Reconcile to update the status from "C" to "R" to allow to be processed.
3) Take "restart" and "Exit" to leave the bank statement import at any time. Process the required transaction or correction against the bank account against the Autoline bank account and return to the bank import screen to reload up the bank file and continue the reconciliation process.