How to remove a technician setup within Workshop Loading

To remove a Technician setup from Workshop Loading, there are up to four steps to the process. Two of these are optional steps based on the Technician setup.

These are broken down into:
1. Remove Technician Ability
2. Remove Resource Availability

3. Add in resigned date
4. Remove Resource Picture (Optional)
5. Remove Resource Record (Optional)

1. Remove Technician Ability

Removing the technicians ability is done through Workshop Loading -> Technician Ability. The Technician Ability file is what stores the efficiency percentages for the Technician when they are doing work within the associated Skill Group, i.e. WOF, PDI, GROOM.

Locate the relevant Technician Code that is associated to the Technician you are removing and then left-click in each of the columns next to the technician you wish to remove. This will remove the associated percentage value of the respective skills, and set these fields to blank.

An example of Technicians with their Technician Abilities removed can be seen below for the Technician Codes C&D1 and C&D2

2. Remove Resource Availability

Removing the technicians availability is done through Workshop Loading -> Resource Availability. The Resource Availability file is what stores the associated shifts against the Technician that they can work and clock onto.

Once you have accessed this screen, select the relevant Resource and Year and then select the Open button. Then select the Shift Selection button and within the drop-down menu select the shift labelled None.

Once you have selected None within the Shift Selection, right-click the top left most non-grey cell and select Rest of Year. This will then turn all of the grid cells to white. 

Once the cells are white, select the Save button and repeat the above steps for all current and future years within the Select Year dropdown list.

3. Add in resignation date

Add in the leave date into "Resigned Date" this will remove them from being displayed. 

Note: If you cannot see the resignation date appear, the "Type" of technician would need to be adjusted from Other to Technician and the date box will appear. 4. Remove Resource Picture (Optional)

If the Technician had an image against their Workshop Loading Technician setup, then you can remove this as well if you wish.

If you want to do this, navigate to Workshop Loading -> Resources and highlight the relevant technican you wish to remove the picture for and select the Amend button. 

Select the Picture button at the button of the Amend screen

Highlight the name of the technician under the Pictures on server list on the right-hand side and then click the Delete button. This will remove the Resource Picture for this technician. 

5. Remove Resource Record (Optional)

Please Note: This is an optional step and is not recommended as you will no longer be able to report on work done by this technician within the past.

To fully remove the Resource Record (not recommended), navigate to Workshop Loading -> Resources. Highlight the relevant technician you wish to remove within the list and select the Delete button.