Did you know that you can split a cost which is posted to various centers based on a pre-defined split?

You can setup a cost center split from the following menu in Autoline, from Main Menu:

Nominal Ledger | Miscellaneous Options | Cost centre split tables

Enter a cost center split code (of your choice) and cost split method as shown below:

Then go back to Nominal Ledger | Add Modify Expense code and choose the the expense which should use this cost split method and modify the expense code as shown below:

Account codes for the combination for expense code and the cost centers setup in the cost center split table should exist, for example for this example account codes 1400 840000 and 1500 840000 should exist before expense code modification can be Saved.

One you have setup this, whenever you'll use this particular expense code e.g. in Purchase Ledger Batch Input or Insert Nominal Ledger journal, you'll be present with the option to split the cost. Such as below: