Instructions on how to book a demonstrator vehicle via CRM or Showroom.

There are 3 types of demo booking. 

Type 1 - Now

This allows demo bookings to be booked and completed within one process. A vehicle can be booked for a test drive the booking can then be started and completed in a single process, if a customer is loaded the contact is created silently.

This option will allow auto-completion of 'Now' type bookings, sales exec and customer bookings that have not been started. 

The booking type can one be used if the user access control file, 'auto complete now' is set to Yes.

To create a Demo booking for a customer, load the customer record, go to Tools on the menu bar and select Demonstrator Booking.

With the Demo booking grid screen set to Daily you can start a Now test drive by clicking the Now button for the vehicle you want or search for the vehicle using Regno field. 

The Customer Demonstrator Vehicle Booking screen appears, add any notes and the date and time if different from the default, click the Save and Complete button. 

Note: The actual date and time are completed on the screen but can be amended if needed. 

The demo will display as completed in the test drive grid. 

A completed contact will be saved against the customer record. 

Type 2 - Vehicles on on the demo grid

There are three options, for booking test drives for vehicles that are not in the demo list. They can be accessed when a customer has been loaded. This creates a 'Now' type booking. 

  1. CRM vehicle that is not on the demo list. 
  2. A vehicle that is not in the system (Quick vehicle)
  3. Showroom Quote

These options are not available to a user who has a lower priority than the 'Immediate start' demo system parameter. 

CRM Vehicle that is not on the demo list. 

Vehicles on the demo booking list must exist on the CRM database and be at 'S' or 'D' status. The CRM vehicle booking will allow any status vehicle to be selected for a test drive. 

The CRM vehicle options is only available when a customer is loaded. It can only be viewed from CRM and Showroom. 

Enter a vehicle registration number in whole or part into the Regno field. 

The Quick Vehicle Search form displays vehicles that match. 

Select the right vehicle and click on OK.

Complete the comments and change any actual details if required. Complete the New/Used option, click the Start and Complete button to save. 

No booking is displayed in the grid as the CRM vehicle is not created in the list. 

The booking shows at the bottom of the screen against the customer and contacts created silently against the customer record. 

A vehicle that is not in the system (Quick vehicle)

The Quick vehicle Demo is only available when a customer is loaded. It allows any registration to be entered and notes to be saved against the demo booking. 

Enter the registration number into the Regno field of the vehicle you want to test drive and click tab. 

The Quick Vehicle search screen appears, as no matching record is found the Other button will be available. 

The Quick Loan Vehicle box appears, with the registration number filled in, complete Notes as required. 

Click Save.

The Notes transfer to the comments field. Complete the New/Used option, click the Start and Complete button. 

As with the CRM booking above, no booking is displayed in the grid as the vehicle has not created but the booking shows at the bottom of the screen and silent contacts added to the customer record silently. 


When a quote has been raised the 'This Vehi... ' icon is available. The vehicle must have a CRM record at status 'S'. 

Complete the showroom quote as normal.

Click the  


button on the tool bar found on the final enquiry screen. 

This will allow you to record a demo booking immediately on the quoted vehicle. It will also create a silent contact for the demo completion on the customer record. 

Click on Start and Complete.

Type 3 - Future Booking

A vehicle can be booked out for a demo for a date and time in the future.

If the customer is not in the system, go to Tools, Demonstrator Booking. 

Select the date of the booking from the Daily grid right click on the time and select Sales Exec Booking 

You can change the booking details if required and add any notes into the Comments box, click Create

This will create the booking for the Sales Executive. 

If the customer is in the system, load the customer's record, go to Tools in the Menu bar and Select Demonstrator Booking

Go to the date you want to book and left click on the grid at the time you want. 

This will fill in the customer details in the Customer Demonstration Vehicle Booking screen. Add any further comments and click Create

You will also need to complete the New contact screen to record a demo booking for the customer.