Creating a New Technician in Workshop Loading

1. Create Resource


Access through WL / Resources / Create option.

The Code for the technician should be entered in upper case. Generally the first name followed by the initial letter of the surname (to a maximum of 8 characters). When emailing a photo of the technician to Systime for creation please provide this Code.

Ensure the following fields have been updated:

Type:                                                   default set to T for Technician

Cost of sale:                                      default set to T for Taken time

Assigned tasks mode:                     default to 3 for show all tasks

Offer unassigned tasks:                  default to Y or tick

Allow technician to assist:              default to Y or tick

Offer all other jobs:                          default to Y or tick

Note: It is often easier to look at an existing technician / groomer first to see the current settings, particularly if you are using the screens to display option.

2. Set Technician Ability


The Technician Ability file holds the efficiency percentage for the Technician when doing work in the associated Skill group.

Access through WL / Technician Ability option.

MECH, TECH, DIAG, SERV and INSPE are the skills currently set up on the system and the technician's efficiencies need to be set up against their individual skills.

Right-click in the required field.

A pop-up menu is displayed with efficiencies ranging from Not qualified to 200% efficiency, in 25% increments.

Highlight the required value and it will be entered into the grid. Alternatively a single left click will alternate between 100% and blank. 

3. Set Resource Availability 

This option is used to set the resource availability.

Access through WL / Resource Availability option.

a. Select resource (in the above example Brad Heath)
b. Select year (in the above example 2006)
c. Click on Open (this will load the current availability)
d. Click on Shift selection and drop down the different shifts available. (Currently two shifts have been set up, 1 - Main Shift, 2 - Saturday Shift)

e. Availability can be done by double clicking on each day, or right clicking from the start of the year and selecting the rest of the year option. In the above example, Brad Heath will be made available for the main shift for the rest of the year.

Note: The same process needs to be repeated if the technician / resource is also available for the Saturday shift. Alternatively you can use the Wizard to copy the resource availability from a technician / resource already set up. This task should be repeated for the next year also.

As each shift is applied the grid will change colour as below.

4. Upload Picture

Access through WL / Resources / highlight the tech you want to load a photo for and select the Amend option.

Ensure the picture you wish to upload is saved on the PC in the directory mentioned on the left (‘c/rev8work’ in the example below). If the directory does not exist you will need to create it on your PC, and copy the file there.

The ideal size for best results is 100 pixels wide by 93 pixels high, or a ratio equivalent to this. Try to keep the file size to under 20 kilobytes to ensure the image refreshes quickly on the screen.

Select the file from menu on the left (Pictures on PC), then click the Transfer button.

If there is already a picture assigned to a technician and you wish to replace the picture click the file on the right hand side pane (Pictures on server) and the Delete button will become available. Then upload the new picture as above.

When replacing pictures you will need to log the clocking screen out and back in for the change(s) to take effect.

When the file is transferred it is automatically given the correct name of the resource. If you click this name on the right hand pane a small preview of the picture will appear.