If you do not want a customer record in your database, you can flag it for deletion and it will be permanently removed from the database at the end of the week.

Customer records are marked for deletion within the Cost Centre section of the Customer record, in the Additional details tab.

Against every department an ‘X’ needs to be selected denoting DELETE CUSTOMER RECORD.

Also, against the Status field (Direct Mail) in the Customer tab an ‘X’ will need to be selected.

This second field checks for any remaining links to other records and will not let you continue without these links being detached.

The contact history file will also be deleted.


A Customer record must have no outstanding contacts or be attached to any Company or Vehicle(s) when being marked for deletion. If this is the case, the contacts must be terminated and the links to the Company or Vehicle(s) must be detached prior to flagging the record for deletion.

All forms of reference within the Details screen must be removed i.e. the Surname and Address fields must be cleared of input so that the record will not be found by a user before the consolidation process takes place.

The word Delete needs to be typed in the Surname field.