Are you looking to link or de-link partners to or from primary customers?

Linking Partners

Open the customer record in Edit mode.

Click on the Partner Icon 

 in the tool bar or select Partner from the Customer options menu. 

Search for the partner's record, if the partners record is in the system, highlight it and click Load

You will now see the two clients listed in the description. 

Click Save to exit edit mode.

If the partner is not already loaded in the system you can create a new client from the search screen by clicking the Create button.

Note: some fields will automatically copy from the primary record and can be amended if required. 

Click Save, once the remining details are supplied. 

Once linked, clicking on the 'Partner' icon will take you to the partner's record which you can edit as normal. Clicking on Partner again will take you back to the primary record. 

De-Linking Partner

To remove the partner's link, load one of the Clients and open in Edit mode. Click on the Partners Icon and you will get the Break Link confirmation. 

Click Yes to break the link or No to cancel. 

Linking Joint Owners

Open the vehicle record in Edit mode. 

Click on the Joint Owner field

Choose Joint Owner line and click Edit button.

Search for and highlight the joint account, click Load button. 

The Other Vehicles screen will now show the Joint Owners details, click the Close button to continue. 

You can now see the Joint Owner details in the Vehicle tab. 

Click Save.

De-Linking Joint owners

Open the required vehicle in Edit mode. 

Click on the Joint Owner field to bring up the Other Vehicles Links screen. 

With the Joint Owner line highlighted you can either: -

  • Click Edit, to search for and assign a new joint owner, follow the process as above. 
  • Click Clear to remove the joint owner. 

Click Close to return to the vehicle screen. 

The Joint Owner field is now either updated or removed. 

Click Save to exit Edit mode

Linking Partners and joint Owners in Showroom. 

In Showroom CRM, on the Customer Details screen, the Linked to Partner field will display the partner if the customer already has a partner linked to their account.  You can also link a Joint Owner to the enquiry using the Joint Owner field found opposite the Linked to Partner field.  

To add a joint owner, click on the ellipsis button after the Joint owner field.

If the contact already has a partner linked, you will be asked to use the partner as the joint owner. 

If Yes, you will be bought back to the Customer Details screen with the partners record information added to the enquiry. 

If No, you can the search function to find an existing customer or alternatively create one from the Create button. 

You will then be asked if the Joint owner is the partner?

If Yes, the new record will then be linked to the primary customer's record, as the partner, as per CRM. 

If No, the record will only be linked to the vehicle record and not the primary customer's record. 

The joint owner is now displayed in the Joint Owner field on the Customer Details screen. 

Complete the Showroom Enquiry as normal. 

The joint owner will be displayed on the Customer details section of the summary. 

You can also see the joint accounts in the Enquiry Search Results screen.  

In Vehicle Stockbooks, under the Sales Brief tab you can see both names are copied to the right-hand Name field. 

Once the vehicle is invoiced the joint owner's record is linked to the vehicle through the Joint owner link

The joint owner vehicle will also be linked to both the owners in their CRM records.